Plan Cut The Head Of The Snake-- And Parts Of Its Neck.

In essence, the whole plan to take down the Garcia Family was to cut off the head of the snake—maybe even part of its neck, but yeah, it was easier said than down and we have a lot of fucking ground to cover. But depending on how subversive we want to do, it can go from either, "I walk in the shadow~", or just straight-up, "Cowabunga~!", if everything else fails.

It's just that the place's connoisseurs wouldn't just let us take their secret place for them and even though it'd continue as a place of sin, there would be strict limits on what that place would be allowed to serve their customers.

And from the shit we've seen, we were definitely fucking do more than kink shame the lot of them because how people got to that point was beyond me—and even though different people have different ways on how they get off, there should be definite limits and everyone else should be a willing participant.