
" This plan can help me find out who the mask man is and help me make my last wish for my last treasure. Just wait for me. I'll fill you up until you overflow." said The Real Traitor with laugh.


ATEEZ gets to sleep after a few days of sailing. Hongjong can't sleep and is just looking at the letter from their 'side'. He wondered how San got the letter.

Meanwhile, San gets up from bed and goes to a ship's corner. He takes out the crystal gazel and plays with it. At the same time Yunho approached him. San will immediately hide the crystal gazel.

" What are you doing? " asked Yunho. San look at Yunho with a smile.

" Nothing. Just take some fresh air." Said San. Yunho just smiled.

" Why haven't you slept yet?" Ask San.

" Hhmm.... I can't sleep because I'm excited for our side meeting. And scared too." said Yunho while looking at the stars. San looked at Yunho's face.

" You scare?" ask San in heart. San look at the seas.

"Do you remember how you became a pirate?" Ask San to Yunho. The question makes Yunho feel a little shocked. Yunho stopped looking at stars. He looks at San while looking at the sea. He felt his heart pumping up. He held his chest.

"Why is my heart beating so fast?... " Said Yunho in heart. Yunho look at San.

"Why are you asking like that?" Ask Yunho.

" Of course i grew up with a pirate family." Said Yunho.

" Owh really...." Said San. San and Yunho look at each other and make eye-contact for a while. Yunho felt awkward and looked away. San turned his body toward Yunho.

"Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." Said San and walked away from the place. Yunho looks at San who wants to walk away. Yunho stopped him. San look at Yunho.

"Wait! You don't make me uncomfortable. I'm okay." Said Yunho. San just smiled.

"Are you sure?... I can hear your heart beating and it's like you want to explode." Said San.

"What? Wait! Again! Sorry... I want to ask... "Said Yunho. San turned his body to Yunho.

"Do you remember how you became a pirate?" Ask Yunho.

"Hhmm... What I remember is... I'm just a teenager and I... want to change my future... to be what I want and in my way... " Said San.

"Owh... Like that uh.. " said Yunho while looking down.

"So... Can you let me go?" Ask San.

"Huh? Owh! Sorry!" said Yunho and immediately let go of San's hand. San walked away to go to his room. Yunho follows him because he wants to sleep too. San's stopped at his front door. Yunho stopped suddenly.

"Why are yo-" San cut Yunho sentence.

"Can you keep a secret? "Ask San.

"What? " Ask Yunho. San smiles and gets closer to Yunho. Yunho stepped back because he was scared. San kept approaching him. San stopped Yunho from stepping back to hold his shoulders. San approached Yunho's ear. San whispers something and makes Yunho shocked.


5 days later...

1 hour before they meet their side.

Hongjoong gets a bad dream that makes him sweat and hold his chest tight. Suddenly the dream becomes terrible and he wakes up and screams. Hongjoong woke up. Hongjoong looking around. He takes a deep breath.

After heard Hongjoong shouted. Yeosang immediately opened the door while everyone was still sleeping. He looked at Hongjoong. They make eye contact. Yeosang looked at Hongjoong, sweating. He gets worried and gets closer to Hongjoong.

While Hongjoong scared, he keep stepping back from Yeosang and makes Yeosang realized. Yeosang being surprise of Hongjoong. Without hesitation Yeosang close the door and keep moving foward to Hongjoong, that makes Hongjoong got more scared. Hongjoong takes his wand and pointing at Yeosang.

Yeosang got startled and put his hands in the air. Hongjoong standing up while pointing his wand to Yeosang.

"You have remembered everything... aren't you?" ask Yeosang to Hongjoong.

"Y.. you.. You remember too?... Why..! How could you-!" Said Hongjoong and his tears fell down. His body also fell. Yeosang get approach to him. Yeosang give his hand to Hongjoong. But Hongjoong push it and with fast hold Yeosang's clothes. Yeosang's shocked and hold Hongjoong's shoulders.

"Hyung... Stop". Said Yeosang.

"What? Why don't you remind me?! You make me feel bad for them and you! " Said Hongjoong with trying hold his tears.

"Because I trust you." Said Yeosang while hold Hongjoong's chin. Hongjoong stopped crying and look at Yeosang. Hongjoong pushed Yeosang's hand from his chin and turning around from Yeosang. He sit at chair and sweps his tear.

"Are you the only one who knows?" Ask Hongjoong.

"I'm not sure... But... I think Yunho already knows. Because he's acting weird lately... " Said Yeosang.

"Yunho....." Said Hongjoong in whispering.

"Should I call him for you?" Ask Yeosang.

"No. " Said Hongjoong. Yeosang nodded. Hongjoong stand up and get ready for dining table.

"You know right we have a traitor in our crew? " Ask Yeosang.

"Yes I know it. " Said Hongjoong. Yeosang nodded. Yeosang asked him again.

"Hongjoong... Why this happen?" Ask Yeosang. Hongjoong has been taking a new clothes and look at Yeosang.

"What do you mean 'this happen'? Ask Hongjoong.

"I mean how can we be pirates?" Ask Yeosang.

"Hmm... It's because... If one of-!" Someone opened the door while Hongjoong speaking.

"Captain! We have arrived at the dinning's table place!" said Mingi. Hongjoong sighing and nods.

"Yeosang. We will continue after the dinner. okay? " Said Hongjoong and pat Yeosang's shoulder. Hongjoong get out from his room.

Yeosang get out from Hongjoong room. He saw Mingi alone with dress up yet. He walk toward Mingi.

"Mingi let's go dress up! " Said Yeosang and pulled Mingi to their room. They are getting dressed up.

"Hey Mingi... pff! Mingi, why are you wearing two jackets?! " Ask Yeosang while laughing.

"Why are you laughing?! This is style! You don't know?" said Mingi and Yeosang still non stop laughing. Mingi kicked Yeosang's leg.

"Ouch! " said Yeosang.

"That hurts you know! " said Yeosang.

"YEOSANG! MINGI! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS! WE WERE GETTING LATE! " Shouted Hongjoong. Yeosang and Mingi immediately get out from the ship.


ATEEZ entered the dining table's place.

"Wow.....! This place looks like a palace!" said Jongho while he entered the place.

"Wow.... " All ATEEZ members appreciate the art in the place.

"I think it was a palace...." said Yeosang.

"Looks! It has chandeliers!" Said Hongjoong.

"It was a palace." Said Fake Seonghwa while standing at the dining table's door and looked at the real ATEEZ looking around the palace.

"Owh really... How did you know Seonghwa?"Ask Hongjoong.

"What? I didn't say anything... Wait! Stop! " Said Seonghwa. All the members got shocked and looked at Seonghwa asking why they should stop. ATEEZ realized that Seonghwa's side looked at them. They looked at Fake Seonghwa.

"YASHHH!?! OMG! " All members get shocked.

Fake Seonghwa just smirk at them. Fake Seonghwa approached them and put his gun to the floor.

"Just calm down.... Today is a dinner party. We're at peace!" Said Fake Seonghwa. They're still silent.

"Nope... I think it does not make you feel more comfortable... Okay now let's straight to the point. " Fake Seonghwa gets approached at Real Seonghwa. At the same time, Hongjoong put out his weapon and pointed to Fake Seonghwa.

"Get away from him! '' Said Hongjoong. Fake Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong, he just smirked and stepped back.

"Okay. You guys just follow me and you guys may see Wooyoung at the dining table. " Said Fake Seonghwa. Hongjoong put his weapon into his pocket. They're follow him.


Fake Seonghwa opened the door and ATEEZ saw Wooyoung sitting in a chair with all 'side' of them.

"Hyung...! " Shouted Wooyoung.