Kaine's Dad is The Principal

While Emily ponders over what she's heard, she sees a figure walking toward them making minimal sound. she looks over and sees the principal. Kaine says something that rocks her world to the core. "Hey dad!" Kaine says enthusiastically. "Dad?!" Emily says as she looks at her principal, Mr. Jameson.

The Principal only wears a black cloak with a large black ancient cowboy hat. No one has ever seen what he looks like other than the part of his face that isn't covered with a scarf, which is just an eye with a little bit of hair. "Yes Emily, I am Kaine's father. And I'm actually glad you're here, because I needed to talk to you." Mr. Jameson says flatley.

"Uh, can you do this a bit later dad?" Kaine replies. "We we're about to go to class together." Mr. Jameson looks slightly inconvenienced, well as much as you can tell with only seeing one eye. "Sure, that'll work." He says as he walks off.

Emily closes her lunchbox and looks back at Kaine. "Well, that was a bit awkward." She says to kaine under her breath. "Why's that?" He says with a confused face on his screen. "Mr. Jameson never talks to me. Everytime I see him in the hallways he ignores me. Come to think of it, he only talked to me when I transferred to this school a year ago. Never a word since."