You Want me to do What?

Kaine and Emily turn the corner into their neighborhood. "So, do you want to go to the movies later? Like, Tuesday?" Kaine says as he gently puts Emily down. "Movies? Yeah, sure. I'll have to check with my dad to see if it's ok, but I should be fine." Emily replies as she starts walking toward her house. "Thanks for the lift Kaine." She says as she walks inside and closes the door.

A few minutes later, she hears a knock on her door. she walks downstairs and looks through the peephole to check. Its Mr. Jameson. She opens the door to see the tall black figure casting a shadow on her. "Uh, Mr. Jameson! What a surprise!" She says. He blankly stares at her for a few seconds, then says: "Emily, I want you to be a soldier." After a few seconds, her eyes widen in confusion and horror. "You want me to do what?" She finally says

"You heard me. Theres some things that you don't know about is going on, and I think that you would make an excellent candidate because of your previous encounters with set obstacles that I have put in place to test you, as well as a previous record of gymnastics, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, and your multiple 1st place awards in both science fairs as well as being 3rd place to recieving a Nobel Peace Prize."

Emily stares for a while, horrified that he knows everything about her. "What do you mean obstacles you put in place?" She says, focusing on his involvement in her life. "You honestly think that you alone got lost in the forest on a field trip? I paid your teachers to leave an hour early. You survived for 4 days on your own at 11! And thoese thugs you came across who just robbed a bank, I own that bank, and told them they could keep the money if you beat them up. They needed that money when your broke their arms, a leg, and gave one a concussion. You are everything I knew you could be, an more."

Emily, now confused more than anything, asks: "Wait, you're not just a principal?" Mr. Jameson sighs. "Is that what you really want to ask? Of everything I just told you, you're confused about my job? Ok, I'll appease you. I'm a multi-trillionair. I have one job, a principal, however, I own and manage 100 banks, 20 militaries, 5 governments, 18 space ports, 11 cruise lines, 400 restaurants, and 1 tech company."

"Why just one tech company?" Emily asks, not surprised at all anymore. "Because I made it, and it's better than anything else." He says, now getting frustrated. "Look, do you want to join me or not." He sighs. "I'll have to ask my dad, but sure, I'll do it." She replies, not knowing what she just got herself in to.