Kaine Fell Down his own Stairs

Emily walks happily over to Kaine's house and knocks on the door. There's no answer after a few seconds, so she knocks again, this time hearing someone running down a set of stairs and then a large, mechanical object fall down. The door opens, showing Kaine dusting himself off and picking up the broken pieces of glass that are remains of his facial screen.

"Oh my goodness, are you ok?" Emily says as she walks in and lays her hands on Kaines shoulders. What's left of Kaine's screen turns bright red as he looks down at Emily. "Yes, I am. Do you think you could help repair me?" He says looking at the broken glass. Emily steps around the glass carefully as she walks into the house. It's quite big despite the look on the outside. For some reason, Emily remembers boards on the windows not too long ago. Kaine starts to walk down a set of stairs next to the kitchen. "Follow me, there's a laboratory down here with some spare glass!" He says as his feet stomp on each step, sounding like thunder.

As Emily reaches the bottom, she sees Kaine pop open his chest compartment and take out what looks like a credit card, but with a black line on front and back. He swipes it on a device in the wall, and it opens up into a gigantic space full of scientific equipment. "Oh. My. Goodness!" Emily says as she starts to wonder around the lab. "I call it the vault." Kaine says as he walks toward a table and lays down on it. Emily sees a box listed as 'Screens' so she grabs it and sets it beside Kaine. "Hmm, nope. Nope. Nope. Why do you have so many different screens in here?" Emily says, frustrated as she flips through different glass screens in the box. "You never know when you'll need a different type." Kaine says as he puts his hand on Emily's. "That one there." He pulls out a screen that looks like the right shape. Emily blushes as she starts to apply it to Kaine.