Born for Battle

Emily starts to come to her senses when even more enemy soliders rush in, leaving all of her friends out gunned. She jumps into the fray of battle, putting her suit's helmet on, and firing up her coils.

After a few minutes, all enemy forces are dead, leaving Emily, Kaine, Mr. Jameson, Splitter, the other mech pilot, and a handful friendly soldiers in the hanger. Kaine looks down to see a slew of dead soldiers fried to a crisp. He looks up at Emily, who's sitting down, exhausted, and sighs. "Just a little shock, huh?"

Emily looks up at him, her helmet still on, but underneath, she starts to cry. "I just turned up the voltage a little bit. For Trevor, it was at its lowest setting." She says, trying not to cry. "Lowest? How powerful is it? Why did you build this?" Mr. Jameson says, walking over to her.

Emily looks up at him as he takes her helmet off, her blonde hair flowing down her shoulders. Mr. Jameson puts the helmet to the side and backs off, letting Kaine kneel down and hug her. "I'm breaking up with you." Emily says in a lifeless tone. Kaine, not surprised, for he calculated this already, looks at her and nods his head. "I agree that we aren't working out."