Just a Normal School day

Emily walks in to class with only seconds to spare, sitting down in her usual seat located all the way in the corner of the room. She chose this desk because she thought it would draw less attention to her, but what she didn't realise is how much more she made herself a target for bullying. Class, as usual, goes by in almost an instant, Emily already finishing the homework while in class. She's in all honors classes, but her father refuses to let her skip the rest of high school. Emily had passed a college level test when she was in 5th grade, but her mother had passed not too long after, thus leaving her with a father who didn't want an adopted child. He wanted her to sit through all of the grades, perhaps purely because he didn't want to have to have her home all the time as a constant reminder of her mother's passing.

Mr. Tesla had 3 children with his previous wife who also died, and he was content with just the trio, but quickly they all dissapeared from his house, going off on their own and never contacting him again. When his new wife had purposed that they adopt, he argued that they shouldn't because he didn't want his mind to be worn down from his work, but of course, his wife got her way, and adopted a little baby girl who was abandoned from her previous family, making her the perfect child for the Tesla family.

As Emily reminisces on those early memories, her first challenge of the day appears. The trio of bullies walk up to her, looking more mad than ever. "Didn't anyone ever tell you snitches get stitches?" Amy says with a snarl as she raises her fist, already bloodied from a previous encounter with someone who got in her way. Emily, confused as to what she's talking about, puts her bag down slowly and puts her hands up to her face, hoping to avoid any hits. "I don't know what your talking about Amy... I haven't said anything." Emily says, preparing for anything. "Oh, then who did? Everyone else said they didn't, and it only leaves you, and you've given us trouble before, so just come clean, and we won't break all your bones." Amy replies, getting inches from Emily's face. "I-I swear, I didn't tell anyone!" Emily says defensively, pure fear running through her body. "You didn't tell anyone, huh? Then why are we getting expelled? Lying piece of s-." As Amy throws her punch, she's knocked off of her feet by a face familiar to Emily.

Standing next to Emily is the same large blue robot from the morning walk to school. He grabs on to Emily's waist and grapples up to the 3rd floor through the stairs that was close by the scuffle. The robot sets Emily down, and as her feet touch the ground, her headache, which had only just gone away, returns. Upon seeing Emily kneel down in pain, he opens a compartment his small square-shaped chest and hands Emily 2 small pills. Without hesitation, Emily grabs them and puts them in her mouth, running over to a nearby water fountain and swallowing them. In almost an instant, her headache is gone, and the only thing that remains is one question: who is this hero that Emily has an unnatural attraction to?