The Calm Before a Storm

Kaine drives Emily home after the tragic incident that was set before them nearly moments ago. As Kaine pulls up into the street, they see an ambulance outside of Emily's house. She rushes out of the car and opens the door of the house, seeing two paramedics and Mr. Jameson standing over her father, who's lying on the ground, breathing shakily. Emily stares in horror as the paramedics lay her father on a stretcher and carry him outside. Mr. Jameson puts his hand on her shoulder and sighs. "Your father just had a heart attack, but he's sick. Something that even I can't fix." He says, wiping a tear from her cheek. Kaine walks in and picks Emily up gently as she cries silently, slowly rocking her as she starts to fall asleep from putting all of her energy into her tears for her father.

Emily wakes up slowly, immediately noticing that she is in a strange environment. She looks out into a void surrounding her, leaving her in complete darkness, except for a small light in the distance. Emily approaches slowly, seeing that there is a dark figure standing there, appearing to be her height. As she approaches, the dark figure slowly gets taller and taller, now being around Kaine's height, however, she's still a few yards away. Still bravely striding, Emily makes her way closer, now being able to see a dark colored armor, with an odd and curved weapon in their hand. Now, mere feet from the black figure, she notices that he's taller than Kaine, perhaps three feet even! The weapon is a large double-sided scythe, and the figure, who appears male, is breathing slowly, his eyes closed, his thick and messy dark brown hair blowing in a nonexistent wind. Emily is now inches from the dark knight, her body reflecting back, except showing an electric aura surrounding her, and her normally green eyes are teal blue.

As the man's eyes open, appearing a bright purple, Emily awakens in her bed, her blanket neatly wrapped around her, and Kaine sitting in the corner of the room. Emily starts to sit up, but Kaine walks over and gently presser her back down, sitting on the edge of her bed. "He's going to be ok for now, but with what you've been through, you need all the rest you can get." Kaine says gently, no emotion appearing on his screen. Emily lies in her bed, while physically comfortable, worries internally about every little detail, both concerning the present events, but possible future outcomes. Kaine, perhaps having a sixth sense of when Emily gets disgruntled, lays down next to her, rubbing her shoulder with his hand, raising his body heat slightly, successfully putting Emily back to sleep quickly.