The Silver Lining?

Kaine takes a seat next to Emily, who's still admiring the doll Kaine made for her. Trevor yawns "I think it's time to go to bed." He pats Amy on her head, her wincing at each pat. "We got school tomorrow, so you should hit it too." He continues, looking at Amy. She nods, picks up her purse, kisses Trevor on the cheek, and stands up. "Thank you guys for the hospitality." She smiles, looking at Emily. "I'll see you tomorrow." She finishes and walks out the door. Trevor stands up and walks upstairs to his room. Emily follows suit, except she excuses herself before leaving. Emily starts to get dressed into a bunny onesie when she hears a knock on the door. She zips it up and opens the door, revealing Kaine with a moon on his screen. "Hello Emily. May I enter?" He says, the moon changing to a smiley face. "It was your room first." She laughs in reply. Kaine walks through and sits on the bed. "I have a question for you." He says, neatly folding the blankets. "Would you like to go to prom?"

Emily pauses at the surprise question. "W-what?" She stutters, caught completely off guard. "Prom. Would you like to go?" He repeats the question, shrugging his shoulders. "Yes." She blurts out immediately. Emily had never attended a prom before, but girls who she once called friends had many stories about it, making it seem the best thing in the world. "Thank you. I shall make you a dress in the morning." Kaine says, plugging himself into the wall, changing his screen into a red blinking battery with three Z's in the middle. Emily smirks slightly, then turns the lights off, climbing into bed and falling asleep within a matter of minutes.

"No! Chris, get back!" A disembodied voice yells, waking Emily up back into the dark void. Emily sees the man in black armor from her last dream like this, in exception to the blue jeans and red T-shirt he's now wearing. The man is kneeling in front of a small, crying boy who is nearly identical to the man. "Did you see your sister? What happened? What was that thing?" The man asks quickly, very concerned about something. Emily hears a deep, maniacal laugh behind her. She looks as sees a disembodied pair of bloodshot eyes and a large and decrepit smile staring at her. Emily screams, but nothing comes out. The eyes and mouth come closer, waking Emily up out of her nightmare and into a cold sweat.

Kaine is standing on top of her, his body in a boxing position. "Kaine? What's going on?" Emily asks, now sitting up. "I should ask you. Your scream woke me out of my charging. To sum it up, your scream woke the next 3 houses around us." He says, putting his arms down and sighs. "I will go apologize to the neighbors. Please go back to bed." He says before leaving. As he opens the door, Emily hears Trevor yelling at Kaine, words Emily didn't even know existed.