when ARN was finally looking at the two entities they looked back and moved there eyes for a while it was like they where judging him or something ...
immediately he froze as he heard voices inside his head it was two persons but it was not the entities present before
it was as if the two present before we're not even in the room .
as the voice said....
BEING. what is it that you desire.
ARN. HAH ??????
he was just puzzled
it was like he had a heart of desires of your's truly 😅😅
(what guys it's just that I am a dreaming guy full of Spirit he he 😁😁😁😁😁)
well who's to say.
as he was puzzled from what was happening he only was a human and from only that a higher being would talk to him
what was with that he thought...
as the two beings said something's he was not yet understanding
but he could understand what was told to him in a way ??????
but what the beings in front of him didn't know was that
he was actually communicating with a higher being that was not present before him
ARN .. What the hell is happening here .
with question marks all over his face he just blankly heard what the higher beings had to say .
well then do you accept
or is it as always
what the hell is happening to him