The Next Journey

The scorching flames have finally reached us, but somehow they didn't burn us. I could feel the intense heat from the flames, but it didn't burn me.

I opened my eyes to see that the world-ending flames didn't consume us. Instead, they surrounded us and kept racing forward. All I could see around me were the flames that me and my family somehow didn't get consumed in.

A few moments later, everyone else started to open their eyes one by one.

"What's going on?" Dusk wondered.

"The flames.. they're surrounding us." Leonna said.

"How is this possible?" Xylvia asked.

Everyone was asking questions with confusing looks on their faces, but Wrath was the only one who looked like he knew something about this.

"What's going on in your head Wrath?" I asked him.

"I know this power," Wrath said. "This might not end well for Shana and I."

"What makes you say that?"

"You better get ready, because we're about to meet the gods soon."

The gods?

Suddenly, a bright golden light from the heavens rained down on top of us and completely blinded us from the world that was covered in flames. When I opened my eyes, I found myself, as well as Xylvia, Leonna, and Wrath, standing in the middle of a room painted white from top to bottom. We were surrounded by ten spaced out chairs with one person sitting on each chair. Five guys. Five girls.

"Ugh! I sense a demon." said a man with golden blond hair and ocean blue eyes.

The man appeared to be the tallest one out of everyone else and he had the face of a spoiled brat. He, as well as everyone else, were wearing ancient greek-style clothing. They also all had golden crown with wings on there heads as well has a great pair of white wings on their back as well. The cloth they wore was also white and the strap holding it together was golden, just like their crowns.

"He's more than a demon," said a girl with long brown hair and golden eyes. "He's a sin!"

This girl had the face of someone who abuses their power.

"What is a sin doing with this boy?" another girl asked.

This girl had jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. She appeared to be a little more understanding compared to everyone else.

"Does the sin have him under some kind of spell?" another man asked.

This man had deep blue hair and emerald green eyes. He appeared to be much more curious than the others.

"Who are those two girls with him?" asked another man.

This man had orchid green hair and grey eyes. He appeared to be much stronger than anyone else.

"Maybe they're his friends." said another girl.

This girl had crimson red hair and dark blue eyes. She appeared to be the friendliest.

"Or maybe they're a part of his gross harem." said another girl.

This girl had short pink hair and light purple eyes. She gave off a tsundere vibe.

"I-I don't th-think their bad p-people." said the last girl.

This girl had light blue hair and orchid green eyes. She seemed a little shy.

"Zzzzzzz." another man was just sleeping.

He had dark grey hair and drool dripping from his mouth.

"We shouldn't trust them, but we shouldn't provoke them either." said the last man.

This man had dark orange hair, but I couldn't see his eyes since his hair was so long that it hid them from plain sight. He seemed really paranoid.

"Are you guys the Ten Commandments?" I asked.

They all looked at me with a satisfied grin.

"Well at least we don't have to go through introductions." the girl with red hair said.

"Thank GOD!" said the man with golden blond hair.

I noticed Xylvia, Leonna, and Wrath behind me, but I didn't see Ray, Dusk, or Dusk's family anywhere.

"If you're wondering where they are, then they're in the Underworld." the girl with jet-black hair said.

"Why the hell are they in the Underworld?" I asked, completely confused.

"It's simply all part of the game." the man with orchid green hair said.

"What game?" Wrath said.

I could tell the Wrath seemed to be really worried about something.

"Basically, the gods and the demons get one team each," the girl with pink hair said. "Each team basically needs to go to different worlds in an attempt to try and find the other Sins. Whoever captures the most Sins has the most power, so basically-"

"You're using us as pawns in order to win the war." I said, finishing the sentence for her.

"I didn't need your help in finishing the sentence. Be grateful that I went through all the trouble explaining it to an idiot like you."

This girl might end up being the one who brings my killing intent back.

"What makes you think that I'll just do what you say," I asked. "I would never do anything to betray me friends, so you can just go and screw yourselves you so-called gods."

I could see red veins pulsing from the man with the golden hair's face. He definitely was pissed.

"Whining brats like you need to learn their place." he said in a growling voice.

He then raised his hands, which caused an enormous aura of power to surround him, and pointed them towards Xylvia and Leonna.


I went blind for a moment and my ears were ringing like crazy, but that brief moment of being blind had protected me from seeing what my eyes could hardly believe was reality.

Both Xylvia and Leonna...were torn apart.

Part of their bodies were scattered all over the floor. Legs, arms, hands, even...their heads.

"Now it's your turn." the golden haired man said.

With another blinding light, followed by more ears ringing, I suddenly couldn't feel anything from my right side. I noticed blood spilling from where my right arm was and my head was aching from me losing my balance and falling down. However, how I lost my balance was something that I wish remained a secret.

My right arm and right leg...were both torn apart.

The utter shock of it kept the pain away for a brief moment, but not a moment long enough.

"RRRAAAAAAAAUUUUUHHHHHH!!!" I screamed in horror.

"This is what happens to pawns who disobey their creators." the golden haired man said.

I could barely hear him through my painful screams.

"Since you know that we control your so-called lives now, I do hope that you realize that we are your superiors and that you have to do as we say."

With a wave of his hand, my arms and legs, as well as Leonna's and Xylvia's limbs, were reattached back to their original places.

I glared at the golden haired man in front of me, my killing intent stronger than ever.

He simply smirked, probably thinking that my rage is fuel for his comedy.

The red-haired girl opened a portal that illuminated a snowy white color.

"We've narrowed down about twenty worlds where their could potentially be Sins," she said. "If you don't sense a strong aura of magic anywhere in the world, then contact us through this and we'll send you to the next world."

She handed me an earpiece and Xylvia and Leonna a piece of paper.

"We figured that you'd be most comfortable with contacting us with things that you're familiar with." the red-haired girl said.

I could tell that Xylvia and Leonna wanted to ask questions about the earpiece, but they held them in probably because it wasn't the best time to be asking.

As we started walking through the portal, I noticed the golden-haired man smirking at me. I turned to face him...and spat a bit of blood that I had in my mouth.

"Such an incompetent brat." he said as he simply wiped it off.

"Mark my words you narcissistic prick," I said. "When this is all over, I'll make sure that you'll be the one sitting blood at my face."

"Heh. We'll see about that."

After I made my "friendly" little promise, I walked through the portal and prepared myself for what awaits me in this world.