Cry For Me (Dusk)

4 days earlier

20 minutes after Gleam's destruction

I never thought that I would wake up again. I thought that I would see the faces of all my friends if I ever did, but instead I woke up to see the faces of a young man and woman.

The woman was slightly taller and wore a black leather jacket with a few rips on both sleeves, black pants with a chain for a belt, black shoes, and hair that was blood red and ran down to her waist.

The man wore a grey shirt, blue pants, sandals, and messy, curly black hair.

"Can you promise me that you won't freak out?" the woman asked me.

"I'm a dragonman as well as a noble," I said. "I can stay calm during an overwhelming situation."

"Ok then. I'm Devil and this is the Underworld."


Perhaps I should rephrase what I just said moments ago.

"I'm nothing like that Gleam character if that's what you're thinking," Devil quickly added. "In fact, I'm glad that she's finally been taken care of."

"That's kind of harsh to say considering that one of your friends was in love with her," I said. "Though I do find it a little reassuring that you're not on her side. However, why should I trust anything that you say?"

"You don't have to trust me yet," Devil said. "Just at least hear what I have to say."

While her name says otherwise, she didn't appear to show any alternative motive. She just wanted me to listen to her.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked her as I sat up on the bed.

"I really need your help," she said. "We have a plan that we hope will work and stop this war. Please, hear me out..."

Present Day

I could never feel comfortable taking a casual stroll around the Underworld. The blood red sky, the castle-like buildings, the many devil-like people walking about the streets, and the black moon that somehow illuminated the entire town always managed to put me in an unsettling mood.

"How can you be so calm walking around this place?" I asked the man walking beside me.

"I've lived my entire life trying to adapt to my surroundings," Ray said. "You get used to the uncomfortable feeling after many years."

"I don't really see myself getting used to this." I said.

"Well that's what you get for spending your entire life in your hometown."

I pouted a little at him for saying that, but I couldn't really be upset about that since he was right. My family is of royalty after all, so it wasn't like I had much of a choice.

"What was your country like," Ray asked me as if he were reading my thoughts. "What was it like before it descended into chaos?"

It took me a minute to think of an answer for his question. It's been centuries since we had peace.

"We were kind of just on our own," I said to him. "We were unheard of during our moments of peace, so we just did our own thing."

"You're race was the complete opposite of mine." Ray said.

"How so?" I asked.

"We were always traveling to new places, meeting new people, and discovering fascinating places. We would trade our own hand-made goods for food, water, wine, clothing, and everything else we needed to survive our travels. It was a simple and carefree life. It was the way we elves lived."

I never knew that there was such a way to live. I wonder what would've happened if we dragonmen lived like that. Maybe we wouldn't have had to live in fear. Maybe we would have been able to fend for ourselves...

"Hey, are you ok Dusk?"

I felt a hand shaking my shoulder, snapping me back to reality.

"Huh?! Oh, sorry," I apologized. "Don't worry, I'm ok."

Was I really though? During these past few days, I've done nothing but think to myself. I've cried myself to sleep and would wake up feeling terrible.

And knowing that I had to accept the fact that my entire clan is dead just made it worse for myself.

"You don't need to hide it." Ray suddenly said.

"Hide what," I asked, forcing a fake smile. "There's nothing for me to hide."

"I know how you're feeling right now. I too am going through the same pain as you are."

I couldn't believe that I just realized this. My clan weren't the only ones who died. Ever other race of that world had also died off in that fire. Including the elves.

"How about this," Ray suddenly said. "Be honest with me. And in return..."

Ray's eyes suddenly had streams of tears flowing down his face.

"...I'll be honest with you."

I've seen Ray cry before, but something about this cry felt different. It was as if he wasn't just letting out his emotions, but also placing his trust in me as well.

He trusted me to cry alongside him.

I decided to not let his trust in me go to waste...and cried with him.

He pulled my head into his shoulders and hugged me tightly. The way he held me reminded me of how my friends would hold me if I was ever sad. It was as if Ray was reminding me to never forget them and always hold them close to my heart.

Being held like this by a man felt warm and soothing. I could feel his heartbeat slightly accelerate. His tears dripped onto my shoulder the same way that mine dripped onto his.

"What is it that you want?" Ray asked me through his tears.

"I...I just want to be strong." I said to him through my tears.

"You are strong."

Ray then started to gently pat my head.

"The only way for us to be strong, is if we let ourselves become vulnerable," Ray said. "Even the strongest one alive will eventually break down if they don't open themselves up."

After that, none of us said a word to each other. We just stood at the exact same place hugging each other. Even when our legs grew tired and we could no longer stand, we just sat down with our arms still wrapped around each other.

"Are you done crying?" Ray asked me.

"No," I said. "How about you?"


I guess we couldn't exactly stay in the middle of the street like this for any longer, so I decided to make a suggestion.

"Want to cry with my family?" I asked.

Ray looked down at me when I suggested that. It was the first time that I ever truly got a good look at his face.

He looked rather...cute.

I blushed a little when I realized that all I was doing was staring at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It-It's nothing," I said shyly. "Anyways, It's fine really. Please, come with me to cry with my family. I'm sure that they'll welcome you."

Ray smiled a little after I made the suggestion.

"Ok." he said.

I suddenly felt my chest tighten a little. Me face felt hot and me heart was skipping beats.

Why do I feel like this?