Chapter 4 An Invitation.... For your eyes only (updated)

Upon their arrival at the Mansion, Autumn and Ryder quickly get off the car for they want to know who will arrive at the front door the fastest. "They are always like that, they are always like kids" explains Audrey to Grandpa Lee and Taylor. Housekeeper Lee opened the front door as she sees the car parked in front and she wants to see Luna. As she sees her, her tears already falling from her eyes continuously as she can't imagine seeing her Miss Luna again. Autumn quickly cuddle Housekeeper Lee as she sees her. "I miss you so much Grandma Lee, I miss you all;" Autumn happily said as she looks to all the servants she knew.

"Grandma Lee I want you to meet my handsome brother, Ryder Vallini he is one of my saviors while I'm in a very lowly state, and this is Audrey Belikov my friend/assistant/secretary/sister;" Autumn introduce them to the Lee couple, to Taylor and to the servants. Both Ryder and Audrey said hello to them, as they speak they've heard barking sounds and running steps as they've heard the sound of the voice of the three newly arrived people. Autumn gives a shrieking scream to their babies… "Coco, Cookies and Love I miss you!" as the three dogs wiggle their tails and keep on running around her and to Ryder's feet.

"Let's go to the dining hall now for you three can have lunch as I prepared and cooked your favorites," suddenly Ryder hugs Grandma Lee as a sign of appreciation. "Thank you for the foods Grandma Lee, Autumn always talks about your cooking skills while we are in Italy and France," Ryder told Grandma Lee that always hears the name of the Lee couple. "Hey wait, Grandma Lee" Autumn gets the attention of Grandma Lee; "Why are you all not eating with us?" Autumn asks her, for Autumn she doesn't like to eat without them. For her, they are her family and not merely servants. That's why the servants love her so much, she doesn't treat them as a lowly servant but a family of her own.

"All of you gather some plates and we must eat now," Audrey said to all the people who are present at the dining hall, "and please call the others for we will have a grand feast today," Ryder said very proudly. The Lee couple smiled at the Masters that they have, especially to Luna because they knew that she didn't change towards them. She may change her name, her looks, and her attitude to others, but to them, she is still their Miss Luna who is very fond of them.

"Audrey, have you sent our invitation to all our prospective clients for the Jewelry partnership?" Ryder asks her while cutting a piece of meat to his plate. Audrey nod to him as an answer, "I've also sent an invitation to all media outlets," Audrey said as she has a devilish smile. Autumn silently eats her pesto pasta as she listens to their talk and she asks Audrey if the private lounge for their special guest are already booked. "Yes, Autumn, I've already prepared everything. and we will go according to the plans that we have for your so-called ex-families" Audrey said. " After this, we will all gather in the family room as I have a surprise to all of you." Autumn excitedly announce it to the crowd and they all happily nodded to her.


Villa 7; Chen's Mansion

Inside a very luxurious study room. Louie Chen is scanning the reports that his assistant Yuan gave to him, the reports about Luna Su ---- his ex-wife. He frowned as he reads the documents, "it's been 5 years and still, they can't find her?!" all he knew according to the reports is that she has been dead for 5 years, that she was killed during the gang war at the train station at City C, that she was burned beyond recognition and she is one of the passengers that has been taken as a hostage before the explosion happened. Louie's gut feeling tells him otherwise.... she can't be dead...

"Louie! This is insane! You have divorced her 5 years ago and married her stepsister because you love her and just like you have said to us that you don't love Luna...then why you still want to find her?" Kim Tang said to him. "We've been friends since childhood and now you become interested to her?" he added... "In the first place Louie why did you divorce her if you will still care for her up to now?" Ethan Li asked him.

Louie is just silent as he knows that both of his friends are throwing the same questions to him for 5 years... He knows that both of his friends don't like his wife Sofia; for them, his wife is a two-face, ruthless, and cunning kind of person. Louie also knew that his wife Sofia is a trophy wife that Luna can's compete with, Luna is worthless as they thought, but when Louie received her last Christmas gift through the Lee couple he started to think if his ex-wife is really untalented.

"Sir, I also have received an invitation for a charity vintage masquerade gala. The organizer of the gala is the company that we are eyeing for; the Infinity Jewelry Corporation and it is said that the heirs of the company will be attending the said event; it will be held on 24th of December, are we going to confirm our attendance for it?" Yuan his assistant asked him.

"Louie have you ever wondered all of us are invited to this gala," Ethan asks him as he holds and reads his invitation also "it states that we should bring our family whether we are married or not… it is quite odd for the owner of the company is Duke Lawrence Vallini. Louie have you met the heirs of Duke Lawrence?" Kim Tang asked him as they knew that it is very unusual that the heirs want their family to attend the said event. Louie just shook his head.

"Yuan confirm our attendance to the said gala. Confirm that the Chen and Su family will be attending the masquerade gala." As Louie stare at the invitation which has a theme: A Night To Remember, Vintage Masquerade Charity Gala….. For Your Eyes Only...