I'm sorry but who are you? (2)

Grandpa Lee I'm going to have a little tour around the area but don't worry I can take care of myself… She told the old man as she waves her hand. Grandpa Lee only nodded his head. Once she get out of the gates she puts her head phone and start to listen to her favorite disco music and started to run, but suddenly she got bumped hard as she didn't saw someone approach her.

To prevent her from falling to the ground, he hold her tightly on her waist by his left arm and his right arm on her right wrist. If others can see them it looks like they're intimately embracing. Autumn felt a familiar tough, smelled the familiar scent….the minty scent of his aftershave. Her heart race, she doesn't want to meet him just now or her plans will be ruined; all she can do right now is to be strong and face him------ face Louie Chen now.

Ouch!!! You're holding me too tightly Sir…. Autumn said to Louie while she is pushing him so that she can escape from his touch. I'm sorry Miss, I didn't see you…. Did you get hurt? Louie ask her. No sir I didn't get hurt, not just like you did before 5 years ago. Autumn told him but not the last part of the words…. I see, you better not where sunglasses when you run so that you can see whatever is in front of you. Louie said to her while smiling.

Louie suddenly felt an immerse emotion while looking at her appearance… he thought that she just looks like Luna…. His Luna... it's just that the Lady in front of him is much classier than Luna; but her voice is just also like Luna. He thought that they have the same height and skin color even the shape of her face is just the same with Luna; but what about her eyes? He wants to see her face clearly but Luna anticipated it already that he wants to see more about her face that's why she bowed her head.

Luna!!!! You are Luna!!!! A very shocked voice was heard at Louie back…. Ethan shouted as he saw the figure of Autumn. He is surprise and shocked to see the woman in front of Louie. I know you are Luna, he uttered again….. That is the time that Autumn raised her head to see who it is. Excuse Sir but who are you? Autumn ask them. And who is Luna? Louie and Ethan can see clearly her facial features but not her eyes. They are both dumbfounded as they remembered Luna through this woman.

As the three of them are staring to each other, a Mythos Black Metallic Audi A6 stop at their side, then suddenly the door of the car opened and someone from the inside shouted with a thrill on her voice can be heard; Lady Autumn!!! Lady Autumn!!! As Autumn look where the voice came from she was shocked to see who is it... Lady Scarlet Vendari was getting ready to get out from the car and jump towards her and embrace her.

I miss you so much girl….. And please don't leave me just like that, Lady Scarlet said with a very sad tone of her voice. Louie and Ethan got rooted where they stand as they seeing the scene right in front of them. Hey, be careful with her Scar, a baritone voice was now heard at Lady Scarlet's side.

Viscount Francois is Autumn/Luna's best friend in Italy and Lady Scarlet's twin brother. He stands 6'5" tall, with broad shoulder, dark brown hair and eyes, almond shaped eyes, a well-built body, has a baritone voice and loves Luna secretly; even his twin sister doesn't know it. He is very sweet and very affectionate when it comes to Luna, but to others he is cold hearted Greek God looking beast. He is ruthless and cruel especially in the company where he work as a CEO

Autumn was surprise to see both of them. Louie and Ethan was also surprise to see who are the new people around to the woman they've assumed to be Luna.

Hey, why are you here? Ask Luna to both of them; why can't I visit my future girlfriend? A lovely baritone voice with Italian accent of Francois was heard and Scarlet begun to giggle. My brother missed you so much, I missed you so much and hhhmmmm what else I missed Mr. Dragomir so much…. Scarlet said it loud. Then suddenly their eyes begun to focus on the two handsome men beside Autumn. Who are you? Are you harassing my future sister in law? Are you not afraid of us? Scarlet gave a rapid questions to them…. Hey Lady we are not harassing her, we are just curious because she looks like the woman we used to know and we are also asking if she is that person Ethan told her. Scarlet gave them a glare and Francois frown at them. Let it be Scar, I don't know them and I'm sure they meant no harm to me, Autumn said it sweetly. I'm sorry miss but we are just shock that you just look like her, that is the time that Louie speaks up. Autumn doesn't want to listen to them anymore and suddenly she stare to Louie and gave him a confusing look; you looks like my ex-wife Luna Su, but I think you are not her. Louie said it then he turns his back pats Ethan's shoulder signaling to follow him and walks straightly to Villa 7.

Wait! Viscount Francois uttered, you are Mr. Louie Chen right? He asked; as Louie heard it he stops. How did you know me? He ask the Viscount. I have my ways Mr. Chen; the following days we will meet again and by that time you'll know who am I. then he walks straight to Autumn and carry her bridal style. Autumn didn't argue as she wants Louie to see it.

Suddenly Louie felt a pang on his chest as he saw how the man carries the woman named Autumn bridal style. He recalls that; he never did that to Luna and only to Sofia, but why is it that this time he felt jealous when he saw them as they entered the gates of Villa 8.

Hey bro! Why you are suddenly daze off? Ethan asked him. Nothing Ethan, it's just that I feel that... he didn't utter anymore the words on his mind…. He only thinks that he needs to investigate about this woman named Autumn. He will do anything and everything of his power and connections to know her.

Ethan please help me, he ask his best friend. Help you with what Louie? Ethan ask him with a confusing look to his face; help me to find out who is this Lady Autumn who lives at Villa 8; is she the new owner of the Villa and ahhhh.... Just everything about her. Louie told him as holds his head.

Who are you Lady Autumn? Why are you looks like Luna? If only I can see your eyes, I will know if you are really she..... Louie murmured it and Ethan whom heard it just shook his head.