Chapter 10 Memory..... Vendari Twins

Ryder recalled the day Luna arrived to the Mansion

It's been 2 months After Duke Lawrence and Ryder brought Luna to the Mansion of Duke Lawrence and both Dimitri and Ryder pursue her to eat something….. Ryder reminisce that when he and Duke Lawrence brought Luna here in Italy, all she did was to cry and dazed off. She only drinks water. When she passed out due to hunger and the family physician checks on her that's the time they've got the news about her pregnancy and she is having a twins. Duke Lawrence is very enthusiastic when he heard about this. He called his lawyer and ask for the documents regarding adoption, he wants to adopt this lady they've found.

She just looks like Jade, his precious Jade... his princess…. Duke Lawrence told both Dimitri and Ryder. Do you have any objections if I adopt her? He asked both of his adopted sons. And both Ryder and Dimitri shook their heads. They knew that their adoptive father is still grieving for his loss. We will discuss it as soon as she wakes up, and Dimitri you take good care of her. Dimitri just smiled as he looks at the pale face of Luna that time.

After 30 minutes Luna wakes up and asked for water to Dimitri. You are awake Miss Luna he said as he handed the glass of water. Luna drinks it up with one gulp. I was just want to know and I hope you will be true to yourself for the questions that I will be asking you. Luna just nods her head.

Do you know that you are pregnant? Dimitri is looking at her face, he wants to see her eyes because he knew that eyes can't lie. Luna was shocked for the news she heard; no it can't be….. I can't be pregnant she uttered and Dimitri heard it. You are pregnant Miss Luna, and upon checking your pulse it is a twins. Tears begun to flow on Luna's eyes, she can't imagined that she became pregnant with Louie.

Next question does the father knows about it, Luna shook her head. He doesn't need to know she answered Dimitri's question. He doesn't love me and he never was, he just used me to get my step sisters attention and love. She said it full of regret and hatred. He always hurt me physically and emotionally then Luna cried once more. Dimitri inhaled deeply and released it as he heard her little bit of story.

Miss Luna I….. We can help you and your unborn child if you wanted it he said it and hoping she will agree. Luna suddenly looks up at him with confusion, how you will help me she said. Do you know that, the one who save you is Duke Lawrence Vallini is a business magnate in both jewelries and hotels in Italy? He is also one of the ruthless, cold -hearted, and cruel of the most fearsome underworld organization in Italy. Luna was shocked as she heard the news on who is her savior.

I'm Dimitri Dragomir and I'm one of his adoptive son but I took his wife's surname so that the blood line of Dragomir will not be extinct; and pointing to a portrait on the wall was Ryder's self-made picture. And that's Ryder Vallini, just like me he is also an adoptive son. As you can see Miss Luna, Duke Lawrence doesn't have a son… a male heir to his family but he only had a daughter once. But she just died because of sickness.

Luna stared at the picture on the bedside table and pointed her finger to it. Is she the daughter of the Duke? She ask him; yes she is, she is Jade Vallini and she just looks like you. Except for the color of the eyes. He explained to Luna. She died a day after Ryder and Duke Lawrence found you at City C. you are unconscious that time and they don't get any information about you. Some of your belongings are gone because of the riot on that train station, do you remember it? Again Dimitri asked her. She was still at bewilderment as she recalls everything.

Lets' make the story short Miss Luna, our adoptive father, Duke Lawrence wants to ask you if you want to be adopted by him? She was shocked by the sudden question and she can't utter a word and left her mouth opened. Dimitri smiled as he see how shock she is. Then suddenly Luna ask him, why does the Duke wants to adopt me? Why of all the people he chooses me? She wants to know the real reason as she ask Dimitri rapidly.

Dmitri inhaled and exhaled before he answered. You look like Jade, and as a father loves a daughter; the Duke felt that he needs to shower you with love and affection with fatherly love. He seems to see that you are not dotted and love by your own father. As Dimitri said that her tears begun to flow again and heart felt a pang. She realized that she was never loved by her own father. He never once became a father to her and only to Sofia.

The Duke will not have any rules about the adoption if you agree on it but only for one, and it is you must change your surname from Su to Vallini. She gazes up again to Dimitri and said, I agree to whatever the adoption is, and my children which is not yet born yet will be a Vallini in the future. Dimitri was happy to hear her decision, now they can have another sister and he will surely dotted her and love her.

But I have a condition before I will sign whatever it is needed to be signed, she said to Dimitri; what is your condition milady? He asked her. You have to help me for my revenge to those who tormented me, who hurt me to the core and I want them to regret everything they've done to me. She said it without breathing. Dimitri just smiled…. It's a deal milady. Now you are our sister, you don't need to address us Sire okay Cara Mia. He said very sweetly.

After talking to Luna, Dimitri left her to rest for a while. Dimitri goes straight to Duke Lawrence study room, as he enters he can feel the temperature of the room on a very sadly atmosphere as the Duke looks on the portrait of her loss daughter Jade. Father, Dimitri greets him courteously, Duke Lawrence looks up unto him; what did she say Dimitri? Did she agreed to it? He asked him with hope in his eyes. Dimitri smiled unto him and as the Duke saw that smile he knew that she said yes…. He was very happy to know that he will have a daughter again.

They both delivered the food to her. Cara Mia, Good Morning! Dimitri greets Luna very pleasantly. Luna suddenly surprise by a sudden voice she heard, she gaze up to Dimitri; you need to eat he said. Luna smiled and gave her thanks to him, can you both join me for this meal she ask to the two men standing in front of her. Ryder knew that Dimitri is her new hope on her life. They've take their seat on the tea table set to join her for a snack. Luna was surprise to see that there is too many foods on the tray and it looks appetizingly. I hope you like the taste of it Dimitri told her as she takes a bite on the chicken sandwich that he prepared… hhhmmm its delicious said Luna as she savors the taste of the food. Both Ryder and Dimitri smiled as they see that she likes the food. When you crave for something just don't hesitate to tell us okay, Ryder said to her then he smiled.


After the adoption process…..

Luna is sitting at the garden just like a month after she was saved by Duke Lawrence and Ryder. She was always at dazed and cries a lot, her belly is now showing her pregnancy. Dimitri is preparing a healthy snack for her. Luna is having a hormonal emotions because of the pregnancy Ryder; he explains it to him

Are you sure she will eat it, Ryder while slicing an apple asked Dimitri as he prepares a chicken sandwich and freshly squeezed orange juice. She is very picky on what she eats….. I hope the little buns on her belly will not be like her, Ryder said to his brother Dimitri as he looks at Luna and he nods his head, we need to be patient for her. We all know that she is in trauma for everything that happened to her life. We may not know yet the full story which is coming from her mouth but I have already conducted an investigation regarding her life. We need to be strong for her, we all knew that she looks like Jade; Duke Lawrence's deceased daughter. Dimitri told Ryder as he puts all the food on the tray.

Suddenly a servant went to the garden while they are having their relaxation, Master Ryder, Master Dimitri and Lady Luna the Vendari twins are here to see you. Luna got confuse the way the servant calls her but doesn't correct it yet. Let them in Dimitri told the servant.

Good Morning Sire Dimitri and Ryder, Lady Scarlet greets them and bows to them. Viscount Francois do as he follows his twin sister but something caught his eyes, a very beautiful lady besides Dimitri. As they both arise to see who it was Ryder can't hold his laughter for their formality towards them… Ryder knew that Viscount Francois's twin sister is eyeing on Luna as she glares on her especially when she saw that Luna's belly is quite big. Why are you laughing Sire Ryder? Luna asked him as she get confused to what is happing to her surroundings.

As Dimitri saw that she already teary eyed for the confusion, he pats her shoulder and said…. Luna I want you to meet the Vendari twins of Wise; they are our family friend; this is Lady Scarlet Vendari as he point his fore finger to her and that's Viscount Francois Vendari. And this is Luna Su, she is our guest here…..and soon to be our adoptive sister Dimitri explained to the twins. Lady Scarlet is very jealous and furious to Luna, she thinks that Luna is a love rival even though she will become their adoptive sister. She can see in Dimitri's eyes how affectionate he was to her. Ryder saw the fire on Lady Scarlet's eyes and he chuckled; as for Viscount Francois he seems astound upon seeing Luna. He thought that he have seen and angel descend from heaven…. No a Greek Goddess as he just took a gaze upon her with a smile.

Dimitri felt that the atmosphere of the garden become so tense and he immediately as the twins to join them. He explains to the twins how the Duke and Ryder found her; but Lady Scarlet is very confused as she begun looking at Luna's belly. You're pregnant? Lady Scarlet asked her. Yes, milady and it's a twin said Luna. Who's the father? How many months are you now? Lady Scarlet begun asking her again rapidly. Luna is silent as if she will began to cry again.

Dimitri saw that Luna begun to be teary eyed and bowed her head he got worried. Hey, don't cry Cara Mia, it can affect the babies' health if you cry too much. He told Luna with fondness. Ryder speaks up to the twins as he retells Luna's story on how they found her. But Lady Scarlet just smirked as she thought that Luna is a gold digger. But when they've told her story to the twins; Lady Scarlet felt pity to Luna as she can see how sad she is and how the father of the babies is very cruel to her; Viscount Francois clench his fist that time. Miss Luna, as he speaks; Luna tilted her head as she heard a sweet baritone voice of the Viscount. Miss Luna if may I ask and I hope you don't mind, he hesitated for a while; may I know the name of the man who offended you? Luna was a bit hesitant but she answered him, Sire he is Mr. Louie Chen, he is a multi-billionaire of City A; and he was my ex-husband and he doesn't know that he had a child to me.

Both Viscount Francois and Lady Scarlet look at each other. The twin perception kicks in. They both agreed that they will help her too. Miss Luna can we be friends? Lady Scarlet ask her as she smiled to her. And I hope I can be the godmother of your little cuties. Luna nodded as she smile to her shyly. Dimitri felt relieved as Luna interacts with the twins. But he knows that the twins will not be lenient to the ex-family of Luna; he believes that they will further investigate as they promise her their help.

The twins begun to be their frequent visitor to Duke Lawrence Mansion and the Duke was very happy to know the Luna is beginning to open up to them. They are surprise that Luna have many talents and sometimes both Luna and Francois will play their violin and piano….. They look like a lovely couple but Luna is still not looking for love because all she wants is to have her sweet revenge to her so called ex-family. And every time they will visit the Mansion Lady Scarlet is very happy because she got to see Dimitri and while Francois will see Luna. The three became so close to each other that they've became best friends. Francois dotted Luna very much, as he forgets his own twin sister every time Luna is around while Luna got to know that Scarlet is deeply in love to her brother Dimitri but she is very shy when he is around. That's why Luna always teased her.

Luna is very happy that she has found friends that treasures her. Lady Scarlet is very mischievous woman, but she is a great fashion model; loves to drag race just like his twin brother Francois. She is great in judo, target shooting and tai chi; and Luna is very much grateful to her for being her mentor when it comes to those things. She taught Luna everything with the help of his twin brother. While Francois, taught Luna on aikido, diving, horseback riding and drag racing. For him Luna is very talented and fast learner. Viscount Francois likes Luna…. No he loves her and he will do anything and everything to pursue her.