Chapter 20 Sofia finally encounters the Moon….. The Nightmare of her Christmas past

City A, Hospital

It's been 2 week when Sofia was admitted to the hospital and now she will be discharge and awaits for Louie to fetch her. From the weeks that she stayed in the hospital, its only 2 separate days that her husband Louie visited her. She became very worried to this kind of treatment of Louie towards her. Also the nurses and some doctors of the hospital always whispered when they see her, but she doesn't mind them but still she was thinking deeply that Louie already found out what happened to Luna 5 years ago. But that is impossible she thought, the assassins told us that they've cleaned everything… all evidences and traces about the riot at the train station and they make sure that Luna's body is beyond recognizable.

Sofia recalls everything that happened that day. She wants Luna to be extremely ugly if Louie found her that time…. Even Louie divorce her that time, he doesn't have a heart for Luna to suffer; on the day when he found out that Luna didn't accept the cheque that he had given to her, he got so anxious because he knew that Luna doesn't have enough money for her to survive especially at City D. Luna and Louie got divorce 4 days before Christmas Day, the Wu triplets rushed over him just to give him a mind blowing curses…. They blame him for Luna's miserable state that time, and they told him that he will regret everything the day he let her signed the divorce paper and the agreement that he can't take anything and everything that Luna owns….. Louie gave them a smirked, how come Luna will have a property on her hands he asked them that time as he held her waist…. Isn't she a useless and worthless woman Louie told the Wu triplets…..?

Cassandra Wu just shook her head…. That's what your f**kin mistress wants you to know….. That's what she tells you and since you are blinded by your love to her….. You didn't mind knowing Luna at all, you didn't even tied to open your heart, mind and heart to know her. You know what Louie, I hope you won't regret this, you can't bring back the time because that happens we the Wu triplets will be the happiest persons whom treasured Luna the most. The Wu triplets are the one who booked Luna's train tickets and even the house where she will be living at City D. After that incident, Louie is not affected at all but when he heard about the riot at the City C train station and Luna's name was included to those who have died, he became a little bit distant for almost two weeks. No one contacted him to see if the body the found at the train station was Luna's; the authorities' contacted one of the Wu triplets….. And it was Samantha Wu whom they called.

Samantha Wu, is the first one to arrive the morgue where the body of Luna lies; she brought all Luna's dental records. Luna's body is burned beyond recognition and only the dental records is the most convenient way to identify the corpse, and since she is a forensic lawyer she have to be there and she confirmed it that it is Luna's body. The Wu sister cried all their hearts out, for they can't see their best friend anymore; they will not see her smile nor hear her laughter for simple things. Samantha decided to cremate Luna's body at City C and they held a funeral for her; they've informed the Lee couple and the servants of the Chen Villa who are close to Luna the sad news, they've cried and weep as they visit the funeral hall. The Wu triplets hired bodyguards to guard the funeral hall, they gave instruction that the Su and Chen families are not permitted to enter the hall. They can see Luna for the last time. They even not informed both families about it…. The Su and Chen families only learned about it through the Old Driver Lu, for he ask them if he can have a vacation for one week so that he can give his last respect to Luna. Chen's parents are in shock for hearing the sad news, Louie was furious to know that they are not allowed to the hall…. They were not also informed where the Wu triplets buried her, until now only the Wu triplets, Lee couple and the old servants knew where she lies. The Lee couple and other servants who are very close to Luna cut all the ties to the Chan family.

Sofia came back to her senses when she heard a knock on the door. Her parents came to pick her, she was sadden by it because she expect that it will be Louie to fetch her. Louie called us, he told us to pick you because he is busy at the company for the upcoming collaboration of Chen Corporation, Infinity Jewelry Corporation and Blue Moon Fashion Industry.

James Su, pats Sofia's shoulder, my lovely daughter don't get sulk because Louie is not here. He is very busy and he wants to earn lots of money for you and to your future kids…. Her told her and he took her luggage. As the family of three walks out the ward and they went to their parked car and they all went to Villa 7. While they are in the car…. Mom, it's been 5 years and yet I'm still not pregnant. We are having our intimate moment almost every night but still I was not impregnate by Louie's seeds…. Sofia was very worried that's why she speaks up her mind to her parents…. Sofia, don't be bothered, it may not be your time but yet don't pressure yourself for it may have an effect to your body. Sofia nodded for affirmation to what her mother told her.

As their car approach the Villa 7, the family of three was surprise to see a silhouette that is very familiar to them especially to James Su. He immediately steps on the breaks and makes a shrieking sound and he unbuckled his seatbelt makes his way out as fast as he can to approach the woman who is at the front gate of Villa 8. Both mother and daughter did the same just like James Su did. James Su approach the woman because his eyes will not lie for what he is seeing right now and he called her….. Her daughter's name.... LUNA…..

Luna!!!!! Luna!!!! He wants to reach her and embrace her but 3 dogs suddenly appeared in front of him and ready to attack him, he stopped because he was afraid of the dogs. The woman suddenly turned to confront who called her, she looks up to see that her ex-family is in front of her. Sofia and her mother Suzy's face turned paled, as they saw the ghost of the woman they don't want to see nor appeared to their lives again. Her father didn't know whether to embrace her or cry for joy to see his daughter again.

Autumn just smiled to the family of three…. I'm so sorry Sir, who are you and I'm not Luna. She really likes to see the face of the mother and daughter tandem's face so paled. NO! James Su shouted, you're Luna…. My daughter Luna….as he was getting near her three good looking man blocked his path and the other man begun to hold James Su's hand and twisted it. James Su wailed in pain as he didn't see the three men before his eyes. Sofia got worried for what happened to her father. Both mother and daughter fastened their steps they want to stop what was happening. Then as they are near to James Su, Dimitri who twisted his arms suddenly glared to the trio as he speaks up....Who the h*ll are you? Who gave you the consent to touch her? Even a simple fly can't touched her skin. The three men emits a deadly aura to them. If you want to see the living daylights of your life don't ever approach our Autumn. You have no right Viscount Francois added.

Suzy and Sofia feel that they've peed to their wits. They are very afraid to see how dangerous the three men are. I'm so sorry Sir, it's just that the woman beside you has a similar features to his daughter Luna Su. Suzy explained to the extremely handsome men in front of them. Ryder chuckled as he knew that this James Su never acknowledge Luna as his daughter before. When the HADES organization made their investigation about the Su and Chen families, it turns out that this James Su betrayed his wife Lily Su which is Luna's mother and Sofia is just a month younger than Luna.

If that Luna girl is your daughter? And who are you Ryder as Suzy while pointing to Sofia. I'm his daughter also, Luna is my sister Sofia answered him. Their hearts beats fast as like they've seen the ghost of Christmas past. Brother, Autumn called Dimitri, as she held his arm that holds James Su… enough with this drama…. We all know that I am not the woman they are referring. And for the three of you for the 2nd or 3rd time, I. AM. NOT. LUNA. SU. Dimitri release James Su's hand and he face Autumn. Are you alright Cara Mia? Did you get hurt? Dimitri is very worried to her…. Autumn smiled to him, she knows that her smiled can melt the ice hearted of Dimitri. Francois and Ryder saw how affectionate Dimitri towards her.

Let's go back to the house, Grandma prepares your favorite snack and the children is looking for you Ryder told her. But before they went inside the Villa 8… Autumn suddenly remember the family of three who has been looking at them…. She smiled to them, she walks to Sofia and whispered something on her ears. Sofia was shock in fear as she heard her and pats her head. Autumn is very happy when she saw how paled as a sheet of paper her face was…..suddenly Sofia fainted and Suzy screamed in fear, James Su was rattled as he carry Sofia inside the Villa 7.

The three men saw what she did and only chuckled…. You're a teasingly little devil do you know that Autumn. Ryder told her. And what did you whispered to her milady? Francois was very curious. As the four of them walking back to Villa 8, Autumn burst into laughing…. She stop for a while to catch her breath…. She didn't know that her message will make Sofia faint.

*message of the moon to Sofia*

She smiled to them, she walks to Sofia and whispered something on her ears.

"My dear sister Sofia, how are you and Louie? I just want to tell you that I'm back…. The Moon is already here to give you the sweetest revenge…. And please be careful because I'll be the Nightmare of your Christmas past."

As the three men heard it they laugh… but Dimitri ask her…. Luna what if she report it to Louie? Don't you think that our plans will go to waste? No Brother it will not go to waste. Louie will not believe her…. Because I'm way different from the Luna that they knew…. And all of you didn't say that I am Luna…..