Chapter 31 Chen Fashion Jewelry Corporation Annual Anniversary….. Let the Show Begin (2)

The song fighter suddenly heard as the Vallini and Vendari entourage entered the huge tent at the garden of Hotel Aphrodite, it seems that the song played was a grand entrance song for the entourage; as they walk to the Chen Family. Autumn and Viscount Francois was wearing the latest edition created by Cassandra Wu. As the song ended the group finally stop right in front of the Chen Family.

Autumn is very elegant wearing the Flaming Phoenix gown, a flaming red gown that gives a stunning look on her white pearl like skin, it is a red high-slit dress that highlighted her legs and it encompasses her figure and curves. While Viscount Francois Vendari's wears a Lounge three piece suit. They look like a lovely couple, and as for the rest of the entourage they wear also wears a lovely couple outfits except for Ryder and Audrey.

The Chen and Su family are all dumbfounded as they stared to the beautiful goddess in front of them. Louie didn't want to blink his eyes, for he thought that she will disappear if he do it. He gazed to Autumn from head to foot and he could tell that all the men present to their party is gawking already to her. He wants to embrace her to his arms and hide her so that nobody could see how gorgeously sexy she is….. He wants to kiss her right there at that very moment….. The Wu triplets stared to the woman whom they knew from their hearts that it is their long lost best friend…. They need to talk to her…. If they need to kidnap her just to have a time alone with her they will do it; but they can't because of her 30 body guards around them.

Autumn breaks the silence, as she greeted the couple with her sweetest smile….. Good Evening Mr. Louie Chen and Mrs. Sofia Chen. She bow her head as a sign of respect, she turned her body and also greeted her former in laws. Sorry we are late Mr. Edward Chen, Viscount Francois also breaks the ice in front of him. He knows that the Chen Family is already have a hint who Autumn was, Good Evening Viscount Francois and Lady Autumn replied Edward Chen as he bowed his body as a greeting to a royalty.

Viscount just staring to Louie as he speaks; before I forgot, Mr. Edward Chen…. Ms. Mia Chen I would like to introduce to you; Mr. Dimitri Dragomir and his brother Ryder Flynn Vallini they are Lady Autumns' brothers and my beautiful twin sister Lady Scarlet Vendari, and Ms. Audrey Belikov assistant of the Vallinis'. Edward and Mia Chen was starstruck as they've meet important public figures that is very low key but still they have 30 body guard with them. Suddenly Autumn speaks up ….Mr. Louie Chen, if may I request, may we have a table for our family…. Louie got confused as he was looking for the entourage. You see Mr. Louie Chen, the body guards are our family… we treat them as our family. Dimitri explained to him. Okay we will make some arrangement onto it, Edward Chen replied to them. Assistant Yuan please escort our guest to their table Mia Chen ordered Louie Chens' assistant, for they want to make an impression to the said noble guest.

Autumn saw the Wu triplets as they walk to their assigned table… she have the urge to run to them and embrace them tightly, she miss them so much. She knows that she needs to explain to them what was happening right now. Dimitri felt what his sister want to do, as they all sat down to their seats he whispered to Scarlet if he can dance with one of the Wu triplets so that he can rely the message about Autumn. Scarlet just nodded and gives a wicked wink to him. Dimitri stand up as well as Ryder and Francois and walk to the table assigned to Louie and the Wu triplets. May we have this dance with the three lovely ladies? Dimitri ask Cassandra Wu, and the Wu triplets was just shock for the gestures of the newly arrived guest. Yes we will dance with you, replied Jessica as she took Ryder's' hand. Francois was partnered with Samantha Wu, and Audrey gave a signal to one of their mole in the orchestra. As the orchestra starts to play the song "Can't Take my Eyes Off You", they begun to dance into its rhythm. Why are dancing with us? I mean with me Sir? Cassie ask Dimitri. Dimitri smiled at her…. And speaks up…. Have you ever wondered what will you do if someday Luna will appear in front of you? For 5 years that she have long awaited she can be reunited to you and to your family? Cassie was surprised to hear what he just said…. WHO.ARE.YOU? Cassie was now furious as she ask Dimitri with a cold tone. Let's just say that we are the angels from above that protect the Moon… Your Moon….. Our Moon….. Jessica saw the interaction between her sister Cassie and Dimitri...

As the song changes to "The Way You Look Tonight" Jessica inhaled deeply and releases it. She must have the courage to ask the person dancing with her, she looks to Ryder's eyes and speaks up….. Tell me Dear Sir…. The lady with you…. Is she Luna? Our Luna? Jessica's eyes was teary as she gaze to Ryder's face. What if I told you that the Moon is back…? She is Back to shine upon to your horizon…. Ryder told her. Jessica's eyes glisten with tears… tears of happiness and excitement as she wants to be with Luna… they need to know what really happened with her….. Ryder smiled to her…. Just wait for a while my darling, she will appear in front of you…. She wants you to know that she really misses you. She is with us, just be patient with her for now… can you and your sisters do that? For Luna… Ryder ask her. Jessica nodded. Francois also explained to Samantha that the moon has come back….. They just need to be patient with her…. As the dance ended and the three gentlemen escorted the Wu triplets back to their seats and saw that the Wu triplets was teary eyed as they excused themselves for a while to make their way to the powder room. Louie knew that there is something's fishy going on…. what dis the three gentlemen from the Vallini and Vendari entourage do to the Wu triplets for them to be emotional. He wants to know but how? Then something came up from his mind… he needs to do it…. He will do it….. But he hopes he will not get rejected for it…. Ethan and Kim saw him as he walks to the Vallini and Vnedaris' table; Sofia also saw that her husband was agitated walking to that table. She was angry and furious but she can't show it off right now because she knew that she will explain to Louie about Director Dantes.

Louie strolled to the table where Autumn was seated…. They entourage was happy chatting with each other suddenly halted as they saw Louie. Excuse me, if I may…. but can I ask Lady Autumn for a dance? Louie ask them and stretch his hand and waited for Autumn to hold it. Autumn look first to Francois as he nodded and saw the smile on her brothers faces her holds it… Yes we can dance replied Autumn.