Chapter 36 Louie plans to look into Moon’s Background…..So Many Questions but the Answers are so few and it makes him Weak

Atty. Rebecca Alberts, Louie, Ethan, Kim and the Wu triplets are inside the office of Cassie. They all gathered in the conference table. Louie was on the phone talking to Assistant Yuan as he instruct him of what he will do to Sofia and her parents…. He also instructed his assistant to look for Dr. Harry Si and relay to him his message. After his phone call to his assistant, he gave a deep sigh as felt that a stone was lifted from his chest. He must be free from his marriage to Sofia as soon as possible he told to himself.

Rebecca can you write a draft about my divorce to Sofia, I will only give her the alimony that is right for her…. I mean….. Everything that we have acquired during our marriage. Louie ask his lawyer. Yes Sir, when will be you needing it? Rebecca Alberts asked her boss as she knew already that this will be an urgent matter for him….. I need it by tomorrow…. And after that, please look for Sofia and ask for what demands she wants….. Please do tell her that if she wants to save the Su corporation she have to sign the divorce agreement for us to help them…. You should discuss this in front of her parents. Rebecca nodded as she make the list of Louie's directives.

Do you really have to do this Louie? Kim ask him….. Why Kim, are you worried for what Sofia will feel? She have fooled me... fooled me for a very long time….. If I have known that the woman in the mask is Luna….. I never had to do bad things to her during our marriage and I will pamper her and I didn't divorce her that time. Louie replied to his friend….. It's not like that Louie….. What I mean is….. We need to conduct an investigation about Sofia, about what happened to Luna, and why is it that the Vallini's and Vendari's are so protective to Autumn Vallini? And since we all knew that Autumn resembles Luna very much, except that the current person that we have right now is very elegant, sophisticated and stunning Kim expressed himself to the group. Ethan tried to reason out but he was interrupted by a knock on the door and when someone opens it. All their eyes were gazing to the person who entered first….. It was Autumn who entered first followed by Viscount Francois and the rest of their entourage.

Good Evening, Autumn greeted them. Louie is very excited as he see her…. He suddenly stood up from his seat and immediately approached her…. Are you okay? Does your body hurt? Do you feel any pain? Louie ask her full of concern. Autumn smiled to him….. I'm okay Louie….. She replied. As Louie heard his name from her lips…. He was very thrilled to hear it; it's like he hear a smoothing sound…. (It may sound corny, but he thinks he is in love). Viscount Francois wanted to stop Louie for his gestures but Dimitri pats his shoulder signifying to halt himself.

He wanted to hug her but he restrained himself; he knows that this is not the right time for that, he will do it slowly and surely. Do you need anything Lady Autumn? Samantha ask her full of concern. Autumn shook her head…. We will be going now Ms. Samantha Wu Dimitri butt in. the little bunnies and the cuties are waiting for us he added. Samantha's wondered what Dimitri told them. Autumn laugh and it sounds lovely especially to Louie…. My kids will be waiting for me….. They are my bunnies and as for the cuties; they are my dogs…my guard dogs…. Autumn explained to them. Jessica was delighted to hear that…. to hear that she have kids…. It means that she will be the godmother…. Autumn saw the sparkle on her eyes... I have a twin…. A boy and a girl Autumn added. Louie stared at her…. Everyone who are seated on the conference table fell their eyes on her…. It was a surprise for them to know that she already gave birth to a twin and yet she is still so sexy…. They are all silent upon hearing her explanation, especially Louie; he was in trance upon looking at Autumns' face….. If she is Luna and she has a twin… that makes me their father? He thought it himself...

Thank you very much for lending us your penthouse Ms. Jessica Wu, Viscount Francois break the silence. He gave the vin card to Louie as he is the nearest person to Jessica. You're welcome Viscount Francois and it will be our pleasure to give assistance to you and to the Vallini's Jessica responded.

Ms. Samantha, Ms. Cassandra and Ms. Jessica we will be seeing you soon for our companies' collaboration and I knew that Ms. Audrey here, our assistant will be contacting you for our outfits on our masquerade ball… that will be in two weeks' time…. This time Ryder speaks up….. The Wu triplets nodded in unison. Our driver Taylor will fetch you tomorrow at your boutique and bring to our Villa for our further negotiation. Dimitri added.

We will be leaving now…. Again thank you very much…. said Autumn and she approach the Wu triplets and gave them a hug…. A hug that is full of warmth and a feeling of missing them so much…. the Wu triplets gave her a tight hug also as they didn't want her to go…. As it ended, Autumn smiled to their group and walks beside Francois. Are you okay? Francois asked her….. Autumn shook her head as her tears will flow in a minute…. Francois embrace her as tightly as he was covering her not for them to see that she was crying already…. He knew that Autumn miss her friends so much but she has to hide for now. Louie was very jealous when he saw that kind of gesture…. He wanted to punch the Viscount as he was stealing Autumn to her…..

Louie was still staring at the door even the entourage of Autumns was gone already and he was still not back to his senses…. Kim and Ethan can't take it anymore as both of them stood up and tapped his shoulder so that he will get back into the trance….. Cassie was laughing as it seems it didn't work; she approach Louie and snap her finger in front of him…. Earth calling Louie….. Earth calling Louie... Louie blinks his eyes and got his senses back...

Hey, bro! Are you okay? Ethan ask as he was also surprise to see his friend to be as weak like this for a woman. I don't think so Louie replied…. Rebecca please rushed the divorce papers….. I want to be divorce before Christmas day he ordered….. Just like before Sir? Rebecca ask him…. What do you mean? Louie replied. You and Ms. Luna divorce before Christmas Sir…. Before December 24….. As I remembered Ms. Luna also draw an agreement that whatever happens… you can't get anything that belongs to her…. Whether it is a living or nonliving things…. Rebecca explained to Louie….. Louie was so shocked to hear it, as he didn't give importance to those details before….. he remembered that he was so happy when Luna initiate about their divorce and when she wants it to be done before Christmas.

Louie just close his eyes as he sat down the on the chair nearest to him…. Everybody was silent after Rebecca spoke; I'll conduct a thorough back ground investigation about Autumn…. Kim told his friend as he can see how devastated he was; Sammy, Cassie and Jessy please help me….. I want to get to know more about Luna…. I know this is insane but I want to know her more…. I know it's too late but I really have this feeling that Autumn is Luna…. And I want her back…. Back to my life…. Louie pleaded the Wu triplets….. The Wu triplets was very astounded upon hearing his confession....

What will you do Louie if Autumn is Luna? Samantha Wu ask him... will you break her relationship with the Viscount? She added….. Louie looks to her with a teary eyes…. I don't know…. If I need to fight for her I will do that… if I need to prove to her my feelings, I'll do that….. Louie told them like he was a teenage boy who wants to fight for his love to someone who is very hard to reach.

Can you prove yourself to us also? I mean your sincerity about your feelings to Luna? Just like you said…. Lady Autumn and Luna is the same… Jessica said to him. Louie nodded helplessly. Okay we will help you…. But first fix your relationship with Sofia… after that we can talk about the other details...

But first….. Try sending her flowers…. A bouquet of blue and white roses….. Cassandra Wu speaks up….. Gave her notes or quotes but not too cheesy….. Don't forget you are still a married man….. And Lady Autumn is in relationship with the Viscount….. Louie nodded his head but right now he can breathe as the Wu triplets and his friends will help him…. Rebecca Alberts just shook her head as he can see how her boss looks right now….. Rebecca's light bulb on her mind suddenly lights up and she have something on her mind….. Hey! Boss she called him….. Why don't you serenade Ms. Autumn? Try looking or investigate about her favorite songs or genre in music…. Then serenade her….. You have a great voice as we all know…. Rebecca told him with a smile…..