Chapter 43 The Playful Princess Isabele: Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey (2)

Yuan nodded, "her lips tasted like strawberry and she said that my lips tasted like peaches" Yuan blurted as he blush for more. The three friends laugh as they knew that Yuan never had got into any relationship even when they are still students.

"Can't be that you're in love Yuan?" Ethan tease him. Yuan blush as he also can't explain the feelings he had right now, this is the first time he felt this and it looks like he is in cloud 9. "Hey! Don't tease him like that Ethan, we need to see how beautiful this woman is whom took our Yuan's attention and heart" Kim said as he holds back his laughter. Yuan only shook his head because he knew that the three heirs of big companies and also his friends will tease him endlessly.

"Louie can we eat breakfast at Café Elise? You have to feed us bro…. We have to be stress free in dealing with your divorce to Sofia and with the things you will do to pursue Autumn Vallini" Ethan said as he was really hungry to death. "Café Elise was Luna's favorite hangout before", Louie uttered and enough for Yuan to hear it. "Let's go then, maybe I can talk to the owners of the restaurant and I will buy that property" Louie informed the as he happily walks out his office. "Yuan you will join us, we also need to help you about that woman who took your first kiss" he added as he tease his assistant. Yuan just shook his head as he wants the floor to suck him up alive. His face was crimson red because of embarrassment.


Villa 8, Pearl Plaza

All the Ladies of the Court with the twins and Luna are now at the music room of Villa 8 as they listen to the piano and violin rendition of Moon River played by the twin when Amber ask Luna something that she wonders when Luna didn't ate a single piece of the gifts that Louie sent to her.

"Luna, how come that you are a Chef de Patisserie but you don't like those sweets given to you" Amber ask her seriously. : I love to bake, and yes I'm a Patisserie but I can't accept anything from Louie Chen" she replied. "Do you still hate him?" Scarlet butt in. "I don't hate him Scar, it's just that I still have a wound in my heart and in my mind that is not been healed even though it's been 6 ….. 5 years now" Luna answered Scarlet. "And I can't say that I already forgive him, coz' I can't still forget all the things that he have done to me…. Sofia, my family and his family….. I can't forget all the torments they have given to me----- I just can't forget those things….. It's like a nightmare to me." she added in a sadness tone.

The four ladies of the court can feel her sadness. Rosela pats her shoulder as a sign of consoling her and smiled to Luna as their moon looks to them. "They said that "It's easy to forgive than to forget, but what's the sense of forgiveness if you can't forget, you can only forgive those who hurt and torments you if you already forget everything that they have done to you" Luna informed them. "You know what Luna, its Louie's lost when he didn't grasp on you tightly, and he didn't secure a precious gem that he had before; now that you have us….. We will not allow anything bad happen to you and to the twins…. They will face the wrath of the HADES ORGANIZATION if they will hurt you" said Rosela.

"I don't like this gloomy atmosphere, I want a livelier atmosphere ladies" Isabele suddenly blurted out. "Are we going to perform on your gala night Luna" Amber ask her; 'Yes, we will do singing, dancing and many more surprises darling" Luna said in British accent and she giggled.

"Luna, I became interested with this Café Elise thing, Could we pay a visit right now to that place since the four knights are not home yet, let's just have a cup of coffee or tea there for a while there" Amber suggested to them . "And we don't have to worry about the four knights, we have a tracking device to our body that they will know where they can find us" Rosela added. As the three ladies gave Scarlet and Luna a puppy eyes while pouting their luscious lips.

Scarlet rolled her eyes as she shook her head as she can't take the acts of their friends. Luna laughs, as she knew that their friends will keep pestering her if she didn't agree. "Okay…. Okay we will go but the twins will not come with us…. it's not safe for them to roam around in public places" Luna said but also warned them. "Bunnies, Isabele called the twins…. She also added... "Bunnies, your mom and the ladies of the court will go out for a while... we will look for my peaches and cream because your pretty Isa already misses him... you two have to wait for the four knights and your Uncle Prince okay" Isabele remind them. Winter and Dawn just nodded as they both look at each other as they both talk with their eyes…. A mischievous glint to their eyes could be seen if the ladies of the court and Luna could only see those eyes that they have.

Both of the bunnies nodded their head and with an evil smiled formed through their cute faces. As the ladies of the court with Luna leaves the house, the twins run towards their room and opened their laptops; they began to do their favorite hobby. The twins hack the Chen Corporation's big boss computer. They've sent some messages to him about Luna Su…. About her being alive... The twins knew who their father really was….. The Vallinis' and their mother are very open to what the real story of their lives. That's why when Scarlet and Amber thought them how to become a professional hacker (and they are the minds of the HADES ORGANIZATION when it comes to hacking) they've begun to research about their father. Winter Joaquin is the famous Death Knight and Dawn Aurora is known as the Mystic Moon in the cyber world, at the world of cyber technologies the twins are the ruthless, cruel and merciless hackers. They just want to meet their father and even though Louie Chen will not acknowledge them it's okay because they don't need him, their mother doesn't need him... they already accepted the fact that one of the 4 knights' will be their father someday but it is Francois that they really like no…. they love Francois to be their father. Both kids are immersed for what they are doing…. They are sending hints and puzzles to their so called "father" for 2 years and still he can't penetrate to the information's about their mother. They knew that the HADES ORGANIZATION conceal every information that they have and even their mothers' information as Luna Su.


Café Elise

The five beautiful ladies walk inside the Café Elise as they are followed by their shadow body guards behind, Luna spotted already her favorite spot and immediately went to that table. The staffs of Café Elise were all surprise to see the new four beautiful, elegant and stunning women entered to their cafe as they already knew who the other one was but for them they've seen that their loyal goddess brought the four beauties to their café they are all astonish. The manager immediately came to their side and ready to give his assistance. "Good Morning Ms. Moon, the usual place is it", Manager Jose ask Luna as she nodded to him with a sweet smile. Manager Jose ushered the five gorgeous ladies to the seat reserved to Luna. Manager Jose gave the menu to them as he told them that he will be back when they are ready to order for their food.

Luna and the rest of the ladies of the court are scanning the menu as they want to try almost everything in the menu but not to those sweet delicacies that Isabele's peaches brought to them this morning. "Are you guys already have in mind what will be your food?" Luna ask them and the four ladies nodded their heads indicating that they are ready to give their orders; as she look for Manager Jose and gave him a signal that they are ready to order. As for Manager Jose rushed to their spot and ready to take their orders.

"I will be having the Green Tea Latte and an apple crumble pie" Luna told Manager Jose, "Mine is Hot Dark Chocolate with a pinch of cayenne pepper and the Banoffee pie" Amber added. Scarlet ordered for Iced Salted Latte and a Key Lime Pie and for Isabele she ordered Viennese Iced Coffee and a Peach Pie. Lastly Rosela ordered for a simple Iced Coffee and a Pecan Pie. As they all handed back the menu to Manager Jose and awaits for their orders to be serve. They got bored for they can't hear any music from the said café. Rosela suddenly whispered to them "Luna can't we request for any music? I'm getting bored". Luna look for Manager Jose and ask if he can put some music but he explained to them that currently their speakers are broken and they are fixing it. Isabele's face lightens up…. "Why don't we sing? Even it is Acapella at least it is a form of a practice for us to our upcoming performance on the 24th of December", Isabele informed them. "what do you think" she added. All ladies of the Court nodded their heads and Luna shook her head and chuckled. "Isabele is playing again" said to herself.

"What are we going to sing? Pretty Isa" Amber ask her while she raise her left eye brows. "Let me think….Hhmm…. My dear Moon what are your songs for the four knights", Isabele blurted out as she look to Luna. "My songs for them? Hhmm….."

Viscount Francois – Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

Prince Alexei – Ain't No mountain High

Duke Marco – _I'll be there for you by The Rembrandts

Prince Xavier – Anytime you need a friend

Luna enumerate to them her songs for the four knights. "And My song for the four of you my Ladies of the Court is Count on me by Bruno Mars" she added and smiled to them. "Let's sing those songs before our food arrives" Amber excitedly uttered.