Chapter 46 Dimitri Intervenes…….Francois Confession to the Moon (2)

Café Elise

Assistant Yuan is still at daze for what happened a while ago. He felt his heartbeat as he put his right hand to his chest. This is a new feelings for him, he seems like a stone especially to women but after he was been kissed by Isabele he knows that it brings him a new life. Louie, Ethan and Kim is looking at him they all chuckled as they already knew that the wall of Yuan that he build for women has been torn down.

Ethan: "You're in love bro, and don't deny it".

Kim: "Ms. Celine seems so nice. She is beautiful, stunning but mysterious".

Ethan: "Yeah, it seems that they are hiding something as the 5 of them communicate through their eyes as they always look at each other.

Louie just shook his head for the statement of their two friends "Just do what is right Yuan. If you feel that you like nor love her, let her know. You have to show it to her, because if not you may regret it for not showing it to her, don't be a coward" he stated as he took a sipped of his drink.

"Just like what you did to Luna, you didn't gave and show her love just for a bit. And now you're regretting it" Ethan said as he knows already the meaning of Louie's statement. Louie sighed deeply as he nodded. "I still need to assess my feelings for her Lou" Yuan replied. This was a surprised to him as Yuan called him with his old nickname "Lou" and the three knew that he is the one who gave that name to him. Yuan stopped calling him "Lou" after Luna signed their divorce papers. He even stopped going out with him…. With them as his friends especially when Sofia is around. Louie knew that Yuan treats Luna as his little sister after their marriage, he may not show it openly but his glances to his ex-wife, the attention he gave to Luna before and the tears he shed when they've learned to Samantha Wu that Luna died. Yuan shut his world to them, he doesn't smile nor laugh again after that, he is very efficient and effective assistant but as a friend to him he doesn't want to get involved with the Chen and Su family again.

"Louie, aren't you going home at Pearl Plaza?" Kim ask him…. "Not yet, I need some time to recover about Sofia's scandal, and I need to talk to Harry regarding it. I need to investigate further about those things" Louie explained to Kim.

"We better go now to the office, we need to do some works for the collaboration of Vallini's and Vendari's companies with us" Louie suddenly blurted out as he stood up and finished his drink. Yuan and the rest also stood up but at the corner of Yuan's eyes he saw something at the chair mattress. He saw Isabele's scarf, "she left her scarf" Yuan whispered but Louie heard it as he also look at the table. "Keep it, gave it to her when you two see each other" Louie advise Yuan and his assistant just nodded as he grabs the scarf on the chair.

The travel from Café Elise to the Chen Building is not that hard for there is no traffic. Business as usual for them, and it seems that they don't care for what happened on the night of the annual party. Louie just go to his office and also Yuan, he kept the scarf on his drawer and secured it. He opened his computer and check the emails of Louie, something is wrong to the system of Chen Corporation. He stood up and went to Louie's office and report to him everything.


Villa 8

The ladies of the Court together with Luna just arrive from Café Elise. They were lively as they tease Isabele for what she have done to Yuan. When suddenly Scarlet and Amber receive a text message from Ryder stating "OPERATION CONFESSION TO THE MOON" and both of them just stared at each other with an evil smile on their faces. They excuse themselves as they want to rest for a while; then Rosela got a message from Scarlet stating "KEEP THE MOON BUSY;

OPERATION CONFESSION TO THE MOON" Rosela's light bulb suddenly lights up….. She didn't ask any information but she will do as what she have received. "Luna, why don't we see the twins for a while because I miss them terribly and Pretty Isa, go to kitchen and ask Marco if he can make a Churros with Dark Chocolate on the side" she said it as she winks to Isabele. Isabele got the message that they need to distract Luna but she didn't know why; she just nodded and head herself to the kitchen while Luna was very confuse because all of a sudden their movements seems that they are in a mission that needs to be completed ASAP.

Scarlet and Amber run to the study room as they will need to plan for the mission, but what they really want to know is who will confess to the Moon. They knock the door and enter as they already saw Dimitri, Ryder, Audrey, Old Butler Lee, and Taylor sitting on the chairs of the conference table. It seems that they are all serious and Scarlet's curiosity kicks in; "Who will confess to the Moon Flynn?!" Scarlet ask Ryder. "Your brother" he replied. Scarlet was very shock for what she have heard as she slump her body to the nearest seat on her side while Amber was clapping as she heard the good news. "Finally he will confess to our Moon" said Amber with such glee.

"Finally my twin brother now realize his feelings for Luna. And now he will do it…. We must help him"! Scarlet said to the three present in the study room as she can't contain her feelings of happiness.

"So what do we need to do?!" Amber ask Dimitri. "We need to do tomorrow night so one or two of the ladies of the court MUST keep our sister busy so that she will not have the idea of this operation" Ryder told them. "I think we will be needing the twins help for this" Amber suggested to the two brothers. "as we all know that the twins really likes Francois up to the point that they call him dad" Amber added. Dimitri nodded.

"Ryder you call Audrey and ask her to look for a flower shop, tell her to ask them to deliver a 99 dozen of blue roses and 1 long stem white rose" Dimitri ordered his brother. "I will arrange the lights in the garden, blue and silver lights. And I'm sure Alexei will help me on that, and I will ask Marco to cook something for the love birds" Scarlet informed them. "Fireworks!!!! Lune loves fireworks…. I will ask for Xavier's help for that and I will call my Chinese friend who owns a factory that sells the finest fireworks" Amber added.

"We can ask for the Lee couples help also and with the rest of our new family here, we just need to lure Luna tomorrow morning till afternoon and the perfect person for that is" Dimitri informed them "ISABELE" they all said in unison.

"Songs…. What songs that we need to prepare?" Ryder ask Scarlet….. "Scarlet list all the songs that she knew that his brother always sings if he saw Luna or even he thinks of the Moon. "Here are the list of some songs that he always sing and it is for Luna" Scarlet handed the list to the two brothers'. "Francois will serenade Luna tomorrow night and if he needs our help we will help him" Dimitri suggested. Scarlet let a sweet smile to them...

"I have one question for you two?" Amber ask the two big bosses of HADES; "Why is it that you are helping Francois with his confession to the Moon?" "Because Francois is not used in confessing his feelings to the one he loves. And we all know that when it comes to Luna he becomes soft hearted person" Ryder said to her. "And Francois brings out the smile to Luna's face…. I have this hunch that our sister Luna…. Also likes him, it's just that she is waiting for him to confess" Dimitri said softly. Both ladies have the "O" to their lips, "And it takes 5 years before he will do it" Amber said again. "Don't worry my sweet Celestine, I will ask and scold my brother about this one" Scarlet said as she clenched her fist but laughs…..

After their meeting at the study room, all four went out and went to the kitchen as the four nights and Isabele bicker at each other about Isabele's peaches. When they saw the four people they become silent as for Scarlet and Amber dragged Isabele out and went to the garden and explained to her their mission. They've heard Isabele shriek because of the news she got but still compose herself and the three planned for how they will lure Luna tomorrow.

"Why women are always complicated?" Alexei ask the men inside the kitchen as he observe the three women especially his sister. "I hope the man that my sister called "PEACHES" will survive for her trip of love" he added. Marco pats the shoulder of the great doctor. "I really hope so….. Because your sister is one of a kind... one of a kind evil demon hiding in a woman's body with an angelic face….. You know what I mean" Marco said as he once experience Isabele's playful acts. As he remembers it, it gives shivers to his body; Dimitri just chuckled.