Chapter 49 The Four Knights…..Viscount Francois Vendari (3)

Chen Corporation (after their breakfast with Autumn and Isabele)

"I knew it all along Louie…..Even after you married the Moon….. I pitied myself back then because you never love me even the slightest". The words that Autumn said to him still lingers to his brain. When assistant Yuan and him get back to the Chen Corporation, he ask him to clear his schedule for that day up to the 24th of December, he still have two weeks and 1 day to get to know who Autumn Vallini really was, he knows in his heart that Autumn Vallini is Luna but everyone tells him that she is not. "Yuan, please do call Dr. Harry Si and tell him that I need him here in my office right now and also inform Ethan and Kim that we will be having a meeting, the six of us needs to talk about something" Louie ordered Yuan as he can feel his heart trembles.

He opens his laptop and search for something at YouTube….. Ms. Celine is right…. He doesn't have any song for Luna…. He is blinded for Sofia way back before, all he knew was that Sofia is the woman who wear the mask, the one he fell in love with but right after he read Luna's diary he found it wrong. Now... now he regrets everything... he regrets that he didn't love Luna even the slightest, he even didn't care for her…. He abused her physically, emotionally and mentally….. He even forced himself to her as he vents his anger with her, he was addicted to Luna's scent before that's why he did that to her. When he and Luna got divorce, he actually missed her…. Her body…. Her scent... but when he got home 3 days after December 24 he already saw the changes from his Villa….. Their wedding pictures was no longer there, her clothes and jewelries are put in to auction or some she gave to their servants, her shoes…. Everything was gone…. He learned that Luna burned all their wedding pictures, and even their self-made painting was also burned. That's why she asked him if she can stay at Villa 7 until the 24th, she planned everything. The Lee couples and the servants that were closed to her resigned and they also didn't have a copy of Luna's picture for she also burned them. He recalled the exact reports of Old Butler Lee to him: "Young Master, Sir, Ms. Luna has already left the Villa last December 24 at exactly 12 midnight, she booked for a ride that time. She also burned all your pictures together….. From the wedding pictures up to the pictures of you and her being together in front of others. She also put the jewelries you gave to her to an auction for she knows that the new madam of the house will throw it anyway. Even the clothes and other things that may be a reminder of her to us especially to you". Old Butler Lee was very sad when he reported this to him then suddenly he added "Young Master, if I may speak, We knew that you didn't love her nor cared for her but I hope that someday you will not regret it, she loves you so much Young Master. If you only listen to her music you will know that she is always cared for you." Louie just smiled to the Old Butler back then, but now it seems that he is now regretting everything.

Ethan, Kim and Yuan enter his office without knocking with their laptops and since they informed every employees of the building that they will be busy for a while and that they are not to be disturb. Harry Si arrive within a minute and they already engross for the special meeting that Louie told them. Louie told them the whole story for what happen just an hour ago.

"So you are telling me that Autumn is Luna just because she said those words to you?" Ethan ask him, Louie nodded and sigh. "There is one way to unravel the truth Louie" said Harry. "DNA… we can do DNA" he added. "But how can we do a DNA, all Luna's belongings' are already gone. She burned everything before she left the Villa and some things that can have her DNA are already thrown away" Louie informed Harry. "I don't even have a single picture of her, she burned everything that can become her remembrance" he added. "Have you ask the Wu triplets?" Kim inquire the group. "I don't believe the Wu triplets will help us Sir, they hate Master Louie so much" Yuan told Kim. All five men kept on thinking how will they prove that Luna and Autumn is one person.

"Harry can't your underground people dig in more about them especially Autumn Vallini?" Louie ask his friend; "No Louie, I'm sorry…. I can't offend the HADES ORGANIZATION. And Autumn Vallini is their Princess?" Harry informed him. Yuan search and read all emails that was sent to their computers then suddenly he opened an email with pictures of 4 year old children, his eyes suddenly opened wide as he gasp and his action catch the attention of Ethan and Harry. "What's wrong Yuan? It seems you have seen a ghost." Ethan ask him.

Yuan connect his laptop to the projector and he turned it on, as soon as the images flash to the projector board Louie was shock for what he have seen….. "Oh My!!!! Louie those are your spitting images" Kim uttered. "Where did you get it Yuan?" Louie ask his assistant. Yuan look at his laptop then said "Someone hacked our main server sir…. It is an encrypted message and It seems that the IP Address used came from other country but what I just wonder is that the names of the hackers Sir. Their names are Macaria and Zagreus; they also called the children of the underworld" Yuan explained to the other four gentlemen. As Yuan speaks up about the information's of the hackers Ethan, Kim and Harry stare to Louie, they also flabbergast for the sudden turn of even.

Louie was very exhausted both physically, emotionally and mentally. The words of Autumn to him and the sudden emails about the children who looks like him…. No…. they are his spitting images especially the boy; his heart tells him that they are his own flesh and blood but his mind ask him how and the what if's questions.

"I think we better go home now Louie" Kim told him, "But this time we will be going home to your Villa and no questions ask okay" he added. "Don't worrSofia will not be there for now, she is still afraid to face you after what happened to your annual party" said Ethan. Harry knew what happened but he didn't experience it so he can't comment to it for now but he do manage to investigate further about the said scenario. All of them pack up and since it's already 5:00 pm and they don't want to experience the traffic jam they all decided to go home. They are all going to Louie's Villa because they still need to do some works about the hackers.


Villa 8; Pearl Plaza

"My Princess, wait here for a while, just be patient for a bit okay". Ryder whispered to Luna's ears. She can smell the fragrance of the roses; she is still crying ad she hears the piano being played. She knows who played it because of the song…. The song was really intended for her….. That's Francois song for her. She already have a hunch that Francois likes her….. And she likes him too... she's just afraid to confess to him…. she is afraid not to be love by him... she was greatly traumatized by Louie before.

As Francois ended the song he stood up and walk in front of Luna. He takes off her blind fold, Luna opened her eyes and as she adjust her sight she saw that the place…. The garden turned into a sea of blue roses with white and blue Christmas lights….. There are some orchestra playing some classical music…. Yes she remembers that tune….. The music was "Lavenders' Blue" Francois used to sing that to coax the twins when they are having nightmares and he also sings that to them as a lullaby. Francois stared to Luna's eyes and she did the same.

"Someone used to tell me that ... Music can be a very powerful tool for us to tell our feelings to someone; because it often speaks directly to our souls. But it can be just as powerful as a tool for healing as it is for wallowing too" Francois started to speak up to Luna. "Francois, I'm nervous….. What's happening?" Luna ask him Francois smiled to her. Everybody is watching them at the center of the fountain as the spotlight was focus unto them.

They didn't know that Ryder was already filming everything that is happening to them right now and it is in a live streaming directly seen at the City Wise billboard, Mt. Olympus Hospital, Mansion of Vallin's, Vendari's, Voronov, Manzini's and the di Lucchesi and also the underground office of the HADES ORGANIZATION.

"Autumn... No….. Luna, I want to let you know everything... what is in my heart" Francois started as he can feel his heart beats so fast. "Oh!!!! Come on Brother!!!!! Just spill the beans!!!" Scarlet shouted as she can't wait for the answer of Luna. Then everyone gave her a glare as they want to savor the moment of how Francois will confess to Luna.

Francois clears his throat… "Can I put it in a song Luna? What I want you to know what is inside my heart. Francois signaled Alexei, Xavier and Marco for they will play the song "I'll take care of you", he will now serenade Luna. Dimitri put a seat in front of the fountain and he gestured Luna to sit down, she followed it and the music begun.

I'll take care of you

I'll take care of you

Don't be sad, don't be blue

'Cause I'll never break your heart in two

'Cause I'll take care of you

I'll kiss your tears away

I'll end your lonely days

All that I'm really trying to say

Is I'll take care of you

I want you to know

That I love you so

I'm proud to tell the world you're mine

I've said it before,

I'll say it once more,

You'll be in my heart 'till the end of time

I'll take care of you,

Don't be sad, don't be blue

Just count on me your whole life through

And I'll take care of you

And I'll take care,

I'll take care of you...


As soon as the song finish Luna is now crying, her tears can't stop to flow to her face. "Luna, promise me that you will not interrupt me while I'm talking okay". Luna nodded but still confuse but her tells her that "THIS IS IT". "Luna, I can't find seem to find the right words to say….. To tell you what I feel for you or why I feel this way for you. When we meet at the house of Duke Lawrence 5 years ago, I was very interested to you, you are the very first woman whom Dimitri dotted for; of course Scarlet was very jealous then but when we got to know the real story, I knew right there and then that you are very strong."

"I still didn't have feelings for you then, but when I saw how you tamed my sister, when you change everything about the employee's and servants inside the Vallini's Mansion and even to the HADES ORGANIZATION; that you treat everybody as family. You imposed the rule that "AS FAMILY WE MUST TREAT AS ONE, AND NO ONE MUST LEFT BEHIND". Francois inhaled deeply and as he releases it….. He kneels down in front of Luna. "That's the time I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!"

"When your eyes are smiling, it's like that the moon in spring and the sound of your laughter it's like I can hear the angels singing…. Singing our song. When your eyes are twinkling, I can imagine the stars are gazing upon me and when I see your eyes wide open... I can think of the moon brightly shining upon me. When your eyes are happy, the world seems bright and gay especially to all of us and when your eyes are winking... I'm sure you've already stolen my heart".

Everyone was very shock for what Francois as he finish his statement or shall they say his declaration of what is in his heart.... Scarlet never knew that his brother was deeply in love with Luna and now her eyes starts to get misty. Luna is still looking to the eyes of Francois, it seems she is assessing him...

"Luna... WILL YOU BE WITH ME FOR ETERNITY?" Francois now ask her as he can feel his nervousness, "No matter what will be your answer nothing's going to change between us" he added. Everyone present at Villa 8 was waiting for Luna's answer…. Not only that actually everyone who are watching the live streaming of what is happening right now is very nervous for what will be the outcome of Francois proposal to the Moon.