Chapter 56 Macaria and Zagreus…….Unravel the Tiny Bits of Unspoken Words

Villa 7

Louie and his friends are having their breakfast at the garden; this became his morning routine a few weeks ago after the Vallini's occupied the Villa 8. He loves to eat his breakfast at the garden for he can listen to the morning music being played from his neighbor, even though he didn't know who is playing of whatever instrument it is….. The only thing he likes the most is the free music. Last night is a quite joyful for him, it seems that the Vallini's have guest for they played too many songs and for him and to his friends they thought that there is a mini concert at that Villa.

Now they can hear a piano being played; "Love Affair by Ennio Morricone" Yuan blurted out. "What did you say?" Ethan ask him back; "The title of the music that we can hear is Love Affair by Ennio Morricone" said Yuan. "How did you know?" Ethan asked him again; "It was the music being played by Ms. Luna at the grand piano here at the Villa on the day I went here to ask her to sign the divorce paper. She played it skillfully and her tears are flowing to her face" Yuan informed them.

Louie stared to Yuan as he spoke to them "Yuan, Am I that bad to Luna? Am I a jerk to her?" Yuan just gave him a faint smile. "All I know Sir is, Ms. Luna loves you so much, she even prepares your lunch which she ask Old Driver Lu to deliver it to you regularly. That is the same lunch whom you ate with Ms. Sofia. She even prepare something for me back then" Yuan informed him. "Why didn't you tell me that it came from Luna" Louie ask Yuan. "Why Louie….Why do Yuan must tell you that….. If you knew it came from Luna will you eat it?" Kim ask him; He just remain silent for they all know the answer to it. Louie just sighed deeply as he can't imagine that he was too cruel to Luna. He didn't appreciate everything she have done for him.

"Yuan, I would like to work here at home for now. Please go to the office and get all the things that we need to look on especially the documents about the collaboration of my company to the companies of the Vallini's and Vendari's. Ethan and Kim please do stay here also, we still need to get the information about the two hackers" Louie ordered them as he wants to get rid to his brains what Autumn told him yesterday. As Per Louie's order all four of them work together at Villa 7 as they were immerse to their work they didn't know that there will be a surprise awaits for Louie Chen.


Villa 8, Twins Bedroom

The twins just woke up as soon as the early sunshine brighten their room; their room was big enough to accommodate their beds, computers, musical instruments and some books. The twins are geniuses at the age of 4, they are the brains of hacking of HADES and since the name of the organization is HADES their code names are named after the children of the Greek God HADES. Amber and Scarlet trained both of them to become a professional hackers but the adults didn't realized that they become too powerful children in the computer world.

"Any updates to our work yesterday my beautiful sister" Winter ask his sister as his stretch his body as he sits down from his bed. "Nope my handsome brother" Dawn answered her brother; "Let's freshen up first and eat our breakfast and do our tricks to our so called "FATHER" what do you think?" Winter questioned again his brother….. And Dawn look to his brothers eyes as they seemed have a connection and suddenly an evil laugh and giggles was heard to their room.

As the twins get themselves ready and went to ate their breakfast, they already knew that the adults are very busy to their own works and since they don't go to school in this City, both of them asked permission to their mother that they have to go their room as they need to practice for their performance to the event their elders are planning. But at the back of their mind they want to give Louie Chen a headache…. A headache without cure nor can't be cured... The evil smile can be seen to their faces. "Bunnies, be lenient to whatever you will do….. Don't be cruel" Ryder reminded them as he can feel the evil deeds of the twins. The twins giggled and nod the head.



Sitting in the chair and facing two big screens each. The twins are immersed to their work, Dawn is busy composing puzzle quotes and sayings while on the other screen she is downloading some songs that is especially dedicated to the unspoken words of their mother to Louie Chen. While Winter is busy encoding some codes, he wants to penetrate the security system of the Chen Corporation and on the other screen is the satellite images of Villa 7.

Dawn: "Handsome brother, didn't mom told us that one of the songs she dedicate to our so called father is "Say You'll Never Go by NEOCOLOURS". Winter nodded.

Winter: "Try downloading the song It's wrong for me to stay and love you by Pia Zadora I think it's one of the proper song for them…. For mom's message to him try sending some mom's pictures when she is pregnant with us".

Dawn: hhhmmmmmI think I'll just put the lyrics also. Winter nodded.

As Dawn made a video presentation of their mother together with their baby pictures, from the sonogram to the time of pregnancy up to the time of their birth….. Everything is included but the song was kept n repeating. Dawn is cruel when it comes to rocking someone's brain.

It's Wrong For Me To Love

Fate led you straight to me

You came and suddenly

I was weak beyond control

I had given you my soul

My life was no longer mine.

I love you more than life itself

I never loved anyone else

I've tried to stop myself so many times

It hurts me

A love like ours

Where can it go?

I must be strong

'Cause now I know

It's wrong for me to stay and love you.

One life won't let let love grow

It has no place to go

So you tell yourself be strong

But the world tells you you're wrong

'Cause life has the final say.

A love like ours

Where can it go?

I must be strong

'Cause now I know

It's wrong for me to say

Wrong for me to stay

And love you

And love you.

After the presentation a message pops – up and the girl knew that their so called father will surely turn this city upside down.

Dear Mr. Louie Chen;

We are the children of Luna Su, and we are fraternal twins. We don't want to cause any trouble to you and to your wife Sofia Su Chen (our mothers step sister, the woman truly love and ready to fight for). We just want to inform you that we are the result when you donated your sperm to our mother's womb.

We just want to inform you that we are here and alive. We don't want you nor ask you to acknowledge us, we also don't want your money. Actually you already lost us when you let our mother signed those papers.

Oh yeah, before we forgot we are born September 17, the day when you got married to your precious Sofia.

Thanks for the sperm Louie Chen

Macaria and Zagreus

Dawn: brother look at the piece of art that I've made, do I still need to put some other things?

Winter watch the presentation and read the letter, "I'm not satisfied my beautiful sister" he told his sister as he wants to add more flame. "You add the one I've made okay" he added. Dawn waited for her brothers' art material and when she added the letter and the song she giggled as it looks like she was torturing someone.

The message that Winter made states that: "It's not easy to heal the pain, Love has broken many people's hearts, you've broken my heart into bits of pieces. But how many is many? Could it be as often as bringing your sick, tired and broken heart to the tailor to be mended? Whatever it could be, but for sure, my heart could never be.