Chapter 58 Macaria and Zagreus…….Unravel the Tiny Bits of Unspoken Words (3)

"Luna... WILL YOU BE WITH ME FOR ETERNITY?"….. "Luna... My Moon….. Will you Marry Me?"…. this are the words of the man in the video….. As they watch it…. They all knew that the woman is definitely Luna…. Louie knew that she is his Luna. He awaits for the response of the woman then suddenly what he heard torn his heart into pieces…..

My visions are focused on you, of what I really feel for you and how it all begun and what made me LOVE YOU….. The physical is just the surface and the only thing visible to those who could not see you through. But in my eyes, I can only see the real person who not on captivated my heart…. my broken heart and soul…. But you really captivated the whole me and you became my world".... "YES!!!!! I WILL MARRY YOU"...….. "I WILL BE PROUD TO BECOME YOUR BETTER HALF" these are the responses that Louie heard from the woman…. From his Luna.

Louie close his eyes and he tries to think about what he will do next. Actually he doesn't know where to begin… he just want to see Luna…. Ask for forgiveness… ask for second chance and chase her just to prove to her that he was wrong and he messed up everything what happened in the past. Jessica turn her head and look for Louie's reaction. She chuckled as she was already expecting this would happen to him.

Even Louie's friends and Assistant Yuan can believe to their eyes that: 1. Luna is still alive, 2. Luna and Louie have a twins, 3.Luna is getting married (the worst part of all) and 4. Where do they begin their search for Luna?

"Samantha, if Luna is alive just like we have seen in the video, then to whose body that you recognized at City F? Ethan asked her, Samantha shook her head; "I don't know, the body is beyond recognizable. It is burnt all through the bones, luckily the teeth are save" she replied. "And because that the body is burnt our family decided that Luna must be cremated" Cassie added.

They are all in their own thoughts when Harry Si arrives and he furrowed his brow to see that his friends and the well-known Wu triplets are all in daze. "What's with you all? It seems that you are in deep thoughts" he spoken to.



"Handsome Brother, come over here and take a peek. Everyone in that garden are in daze at the screen of the laptop" Dawn told Winter as she peeks to the eye piece of the telescope. "Be careful beautiful sister, your position to that ladder is not that good, you might fall" Winter told his sister with concerned tone. Both twins didn't realize that Dimitri already entered their bedroom and both twins and still engrossed to their evil mind torture to Louie. "It seems that my twin babies are having fun torturing their so called father" Dimitri speaks up as both twins startled.

'Gosh my gorgeous DJ, you gave me a fret! Don't do that to us okay!" Dawn told her Uncle as she descend from the ladder connected to the telescope. "What did you do this time my cute bunnies" he ask them as he at beside Winter. "Nothing good to the brain of our so called father gorgeous DJ" Winter told him. "Hhmmm" Dimitri answered back. "Lovely Scarlet trained you well, especially when it comes to mental torture" he informed them as he took Dawn and let her seat to his lap. "Both of you are the spitting image of your so called father but always remember this….. As per told by your mother….. This are sweet revenge and there must be no blood shed or what so ever not unless the other party will make a move" Dimitri reminded the twins and as soon as he voice it out the twins nodded. Winter still continues to tap his little fingers to the keyboard and work his wonders…. He send again messages; but this time it is not for Louie only but to all the people at Villa 7.


Villa 7

"Harry, please help me about this thing" Louie told Harry as he handed to him the 4 zip locks containing the toothbrush and hair of the twins. The two zip locks only have the symbols' of male and female signs. "I want to do a DNA test to those things together with mine" Louie added. "Then what Louie? What will you do after you get the result?" Jessica ask him as she stared to Louie. "We didn't even know how to begin or where to search for Luna", she added.

Everyone is very busy arguing and stating what is on their mind, no one pays attention to Kim who is busy looking for the IP Address of the hacker, but suddenly he stops. "The hackers are just in the vicinity of Pearl Plaza!" he blurted, as both of his hand hold to his head as he wants to relieve the stress. In unison everyone looks at him, and looks to the screen of his laptop.

Then suddenly their cellphone vibrated for the incoming messages…. The first message was "FINDERS KEEPERS SO CALLED FATHER…. LOSERS WEEPERS". A smile was formed to their lips. "They are playing a mind torturing game" Harry uttered as a head of the underworld of City A knows it. Then second message pops up again…. "Sometimes, the past not only CHASE the present…. It overtakes ----author unknown…. Don't ask too much so called father". Then the third message was "Have you learned from your mistakes our so called father? Have you already decided which song you will sing for our mother when you will meet again? The songs or music that can convey your unspoken words for her" then the letters M&Z appeared again. Louie breathe deeply as his thoughts flew out in reality, "Are you going to let go of Luna when you will find her?" Jessica ask Louie and she stared to Louie. "Louie remember this, you can't take the children from Luna. You even can't ask for legal custody; you have an agreement to that and you signed it" Samantha informed him….. Now he remembered…. He remembered that he was happily signing the divorce paper of him and Luna with Sofia beside him, he also signed a document given by Samantha as she told him that it was Luna's demands to their divorce but he didn't even took a glance to those papers. Now he was doomed…. Messed up…..

Ding! A message to the laptop was heard again then with shaking hands Louie opened it but it is Yuan who reads it. And then the song I'll be Over You by TOTO" was heard.

Dear Louie Chen (SO CALLED FATHER)

If you are lucky enough and will get a second chances to pursue our mother. Make it sure you won't waste it. Everybody needs second chances but not for the same mistakes and don't let the history to repeat itself.


"M&Z what does it mean?" Cassie ask Louie, "that's the name of the hackers" Louie replied. "Do you have an idea what does it mean?" she added; "Its Macaria and Zagreus" Yuan informed them. "The children of HADES" Jessica voice out, then everyone gaze to her as she speaks up those words. "What?!....." Jessica shouted irritably to them….. "Sissy care for further enlightenment" Samantha queried to her. "Okay, HADES was the god of the underworld and the name eventually came to also describe the home of the dead as well. He had 3 children; and one of those two are Macaria and Zagreus" Macaria was the goddess of a "blessed" death, a minion of her father Haides or Hades. While Zagreus was a minor god in Greek mythology, usually conflated with the god of wine, Dionysus". Jessica explained to them.