Chapter 61 Luna Su/Autumn Jade Vallini……Should I Listen to My Heart? (2)

Louie is having a migraine for the events that is happening to his life…. Now he found out that Luna is still alive… he also found out that they have kids…. How he love to have kids…..

The song and the poem which is included to the music that they have just heard…. It gives a tightening grip to his heart. "Why didn't I noticed that Luna loves me so much….. Am I that blinded by Sofia's word to me?" Louie told himself. "Louie, why do you called for us here anyway" Jessica questioned him as she wipes her tears from her face. "Jessica please help me, help me to find Luna. I know that I was too late… I've messed up but please allow me to prove to her that she is the one I truly love" Louie begs Jessica as his tears begun to flow to his face. And this is the scene that James Su witnessed; he saw how devastated Louie right now…. He also see that Louie is cries for help…. The mighty Louie Chen is so helpless right now.