Chapter 63 Luna Su/Autumn Jade Vallini……Should I Listen to My Heart? (4)

"Meet us at Café Elise now, if you want to find out the truth, I listened to my heart just now and it is you I want to meet first" a text message come up with a name of ------ MOON. As soon as Yuan received the message he wants to jump with joy but he restrained himself for he wants to confirm first if this was true and correct. "I'm going out for a while, I need to do something that might help us with this case" he informed his friends as he rushed out Louie's Villa. Ethan, Kim and Harry was not surprised anymore for his actions, they knew that Yuan have other connections that he might use to help them to find Luna.

Yuan wants to see whoever this person texted him… he wants to confirm if this is a prank or his friend…. His long lost Moon….


Villa 8