Chapter 79 The Twins plays Cupid…. In a hard way (2)


As Dimitri watches every scene that is happening inside Isabele's room he just shook his head….. "I think the bunnies are little evil," he told to himself. He presses a two combination number from his cellphone, he is summoning the Knights and Ryder….. He wants to warn then for whatever the upcoming events nor plans that the twins may have….. It seems that their first victim was YUAN XI and Isabele. Dimitri pitied Yuan for he didn't know anything about Isabele and if he will not be serious about what will be their relationship will be... he and his clan will be annihilated by the Voronov's and the HADES. The four Knights and Ryder entered the study at the same time.

Ryder (with a very confused look on his face): "You summon us Brother?"

Dimitri (in a very serious tone): "Please take your seats and I have to talk to you all about something very serious".