Chapter 86 The Worried Dimitri…. Scarlets dream came true

As the private moment inside Luna is happening and the others are in their respected rooms…. Dimitri is still worried about Scarlet. He loves this woman…. Even though he didn't show it off but her brother Francois knew that she is very special to him. Maybe the twins already have a hunch about his feelings for their Gorgeous Scarlet. He is very secretive towards her love for her for he didn't want her life to be in danger; being the leader of HADES ORGANIZATION, he may put her life into great peril. Before he went to his room he grabs Scarlet's hand and he checks for her pulse and any symptoms of the drug through physical features.

Dimitri: "Scar… can we talk for a minute?"

Scarlet: "Sure Dimitri."

Dimitri: "Let's go to my room first… I need to check your blood for a minute….. Because I'm afraid that you may ingest something a while ago."

Scarlet just nodded but gave him a confused look….. "So you need to check it by yourself?" she asks him.