Chapter 101 Unraveling the Secrets of the Moon

"Mom, Welcome Back" Luna greeted her mother. Lily was silent as her tears are flowing to her face she rushes towards Luna….."My Daughter is Alive…My Luna is Alive" she blurted out before she fainted.

Luna: "Mom!!!!"

Francois who is with Luna's side all the time immediately catches Lily Cheung as she fainted in front of them. Amber and Alexei rush over Lily as she fainted on the arms of Francois; Francois carried her bridal style and laid her on the sofa; while Luna sat beside her mother. Eva and Lucas were guided by Isabele and Rosela to seat on the other sofa as they all look at Lily's pale face. "Alexei, Amber, please check on her" Luna asks her friends; Francois is also beside his queen as he consoles her.

Alexei: "Don't worry Luna, she will be okay."

Amber: "Grandpa Lee could you please get the blood pressure monitor at the gym, thank you very much."