Chapter 119 Baroness meets Viscount Francois and family

Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you don't see the reason right now, but when it is finally revealed it will blow you away ---- Anonymous

 December 22nd, Mystic Hotel

 Two days before the event, the royal families together with the other members of the HADES ORGANIZATION arrive at Mystic Hotel. They were greeted by Luke and Raymond, as the two good looking assistants of the Wu triplets ushered them at the front office to get their VIN CARD.

 Dimitri told everyone especially Francois and Luna that Lauren is at Mystic Hotel; for whatever reason why did she come to City A is still unknown to the HADES ORGANIZATION. But they already manage to put some bugs to her room in case she plans to hurt them especially Luna and the twins.

 Scarlet: "I don't trust that woman Dimitri. I just don't want to see her nor smell her scent."