Bonus Chapter Let the Love Begin

Don't look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won't let you face them alone. ---- Unknown Author

Louie: "Yes…But I am willing to give, show and prove to her that those things are my gifts to her not only just this Christmas but throughout the year. Even as a friend or a business associate."

Kim: "I am planning to pursue that mysterious woman Louie. I will ask Luna's permission and also the permission of that Big Brother Eros she has called and carried her bridal style."

Louie looks at his friend when they suddenly heard a knock on the door. "Maybe that's Ethan," Kim told Louie as he stood up and went to the door to open it. When Kim came back he was with Ethan with a smile on his face. "So the famous playboy of the Li family seemed daydreaming," said Louie as he observes Ethan who is still in his world of fantasy.