Chapter 197 Last Man Standing (2)

"Spare my friend, please! I'll take the punishments for he was not to be blamed for what happened to Luna. I ordered him to do it, please let me take his punishment!" Louie shouted, he wants to save Ethan. 

"Ethan has his own decisions to make but still he chooses to believe in you and Sofia. He made decisions on his own that time and you don't have to take all the blame, Mr. Louie Chen, you and your friends have different kinds of punishments so you wait for your turn" Isabele's voice was heard. Yuan was on her side and just listening, "Yuan choose a different path that time, you are also his friend and boss but still he chose to protect Luna. He chose to fight to whatever plans that you and your wife just to hurt our Moon" Isabele added. 

Dimitri: "Enough! Eros, Ares, start the process!"