Chapter 206 Last Man Standing (11)

True love means being unconditional. So be courageous because love is not always about all the things that will make you happy. ---- From the movie Through Night and Day

Luna, Francois, and Dimitri were all smiles when they entered the tortured room. They're were out the room for thirty minutes, as everyone recalls Dimitri gave an hour break so that Louie could take ample rest. 

As the three of them walk inside Louie's eyes didn't leave Luna's silhouette. Francois ushered Luna to her seat carefully and he gave her some snacks and drinks.

"I'll leave you here for a while Peaches... Harry my love check his body carefully for the next round may be difficult for him to handle. I'll just go to Luna's table and ask them who will be your next opponent" Amber said as she tapped Louie's shoulder.