Chapter 213 The Great Bosses meets Lily Cheung’s Past (3)

He will never know what he lost because let's be honest, he never knew what he had. ---- Unknown Author

Lily is now very clingy to Duke Lawrence and she is not pretending at all but for James she was, James got this idea that Lily just wants him to get jealous. "Why are you doing this Lily? Why do you have to act and used Duke Lawrence just to get Edward and my attention? Why do you want the two us to get jealous by that act of being clingy to the Duke?" James mockingly said to Lily but on his eyes, there's a hint of regret, jealousy, and envy. 

Lily laughs "Who said that I am acting James? I am not using Lawrence just to gain your attention and especially Edward? Both of you are already married to the woman who loves you very dearly and will fight for you, they will fight even the heavens about so that you both will not leave them."