Chapter 243 BEST FRIENDS (Edward, Lily and Allen reunion)

They met after many years, cherished memories, relieving madness, and opened up new as well as old talks…. They were again reunited with the same craziness, with the same bond, with the same love for one another, with the same funny names calling out each other. They were none other than the old mates the Best Friends Forever. ---- Martina _bhaya

Then suddenly someone from behind embraces Edward, Edward caught off guard as the person suddenly locks his both hands in from of him and squeezes him very tightly. "Hello Lover Boy," said the voice who embraces Edward from the back. "WTF!" Edward sighs inwardly to himself. Edward let go of the hug and was about to punch the man who hugged him but suddenly "Allen!!! Allen my best friend!" Lily shouted as she ran towards the person behind Edward and she gave the person a tight bear hug. Allen hugs Lily tightly, "My Flower! I miss you so much, where's Moon?" says Allen.