Chapter 253 The Chen Elders

Pay attention to the way souls meet and the energy between them. It's not called magnetism for anything. Souls recognize each other. ---- Melody Lee

Clara and Rafael Chen are currently at the Villa 7, they are with Atty. David and Atty. Alberts and they are now watching the video from the Chen Corporation Annual Party that happened last December 3. The scene that they paused for the longest time was when Louie and Luna were dancing, they also pause the scene wherein Louie kissed Luna with their eyes close. 

"That's Luna... That's Lucas and Eva's little Moon. But who is the man who snatches Luna to my grandson's arms?" Elder Rafael commented on the video. Atty. Rebecca Alberts sighed first, "Old Master, that's Viscount Francois Andrei Vendari and he is Lady Autumn/ Ms. Luna's husband right now. But that time their relationship is just fiancées'." she answered the Old Man's question.