Chapter 260 Louie and his friends....Yuan's Burst of Emotion

Louie's room, City of Wise, Main Palace

Don't force someone and/or anyone to stay in your life...If they want you, they will stay. ---- Unknown Author.

Inside Louie's room at the Main Palace, Louie and his friends Ethan and Kim were sitting at the couch as they rest for a while after they got freshen up. Then heard a soft knocked at the door, Louie, Ethan, and Kim were surprised as they look at each other, and in unison, they eyed at the door. Kim stood up and went to open the door, and when he opened it the faces of Yuan and Harry popped in. 

Kim: "Yuan! Harry! Why are you here? No! I mean Come in."

Harry and Yuan look at each other and they both let out a soft chuckle, "Harry, Yuan, What a pleasant surprise to see you both here. Yuan, it's good that you escaped from your wife's grasp." Ethan teasingly said to the two newcomers.