Chapter 271 Plans

The mind will not always remember exactly what happened, but the heart will always remember the feelings. ----Bridgette Nicole

City A Hospital

"Ma'am I am sorry but you have to settle your account at the cashier, you have been here since December 25th, and it is now the 28th. You and your daughter didn't even pay any deposit at our hospital if you still can't pay even the 50% of your hospital bills, we may kick you out" a representative of the City A hospital informs Suzy when she paid a visit at their patient's ward. Its' been three days that they are admitted to the said hospital.

"What do you mean by that? Didn't you know who am I? Who we are?" Suzy shouted at the hospital Representative but the truth is she was afraid for she doesn't have any single cent on her pocket. James is unreachable and her old friends don't like to talk to her anymore or shall we say they've cut their ties with her.