Chapter 275 Sofia....You are no Longer a CHEN

Clara and Rafael Chen were having a meal with the two lawyers at the Chen Villa 7 when their house phone rings, and since there are no servants left at the Villa for they all have their Christmas and New Year's vacation as per Louie's orders' just like what Luna has stated to her rules on that Villa five years ago. Clara and Rafael were startled upon hearing the telephone rings and it is Atty. Rebecca Alberts who stands up to answer it. 

Atty. Alberts was quite shocked to hear the voice of former Young Madam Chen on the other line, she didn't answer yet but she gave an urgent look at the two Elders who are giving her a questioning look. Atty. Alberts can't utter a word for she didn't know how to address the former Madam of the Villa, for she also didn't like the person itself from the time his boss marries her.