Chapter 313 The Past...Edward's Greatest Secret

"Louie was not your son!" Elder Lucas and Eva Cheung said in unison. Allen was not anymore surprised upon hearing it. "Wait! how come Louie was not your son? Didn't you and Mia have s*x that time and after a month she declared to the whole University that you get her pregnant?!" Marcus asks Edward.

Elder Lucas: "Does Lily knew anything about this? Why didn't you clarify nor say anything about this in the past? Edward, you are a fool to let go of Lily at that time!"

Eva: "Does Louie know that he is not your flesh and blood? Do your parents know about this fact? They will skin Mia alive if they will get this kind of information"

Edward looks at them then to Allen, he let out a deep sigh for he didn't know where to begin his explanation to the people who were very close to him and Lily.