Chapter 323 Picnic Date with the Hawks...Garden of Arabian jasmine, Tulips, Roses, and Stargazers

When you love and trust people more than they deserve, surely they will hurt you more than you deserve. Paulo Coelho

After the lovely breakfast, they all boarded a black Mahindra Jeep Car, on the first car, the twins and Louie border at the back while Ares on the driver seat and Hermes on the front passenger seat. While the next one, Pearl boarded the driver seat, Artemis on the front passenger seat, and both Ethan and Kim took the back seat. 

"I am letting you drive this time Pearl, but we love our lives and I still need to get laid on just like Eros and Soteira so please don't bring the racing track this time on us." Artemis reprimand Pearl as they both buckle up. Ethan and Kim look at each other and they immediately fasten their seatbelts for they don't want to die either just like what Artemis had informed them.