Chapter 331 Louie’s Confession to his children

I.T Room, Palace

  "OMG!!! My son is giving Louie a hard time. It seems that the grills him alive" Luna blurted out as she heard her son's words. They are currently watching at the IT department in the Palace. Francois and Dimitri are also shocked while Alexei and Xavier gave each other a high five, Ryder, Marco and Jamil let out a wicked smiled and Sapphire and Audrey shook her head. 

  Luna: "Does anyone of you know about this?"

  Dimitri: "No Luna, the kids' gifts and their questions towards Louie Chen seemed thoroughly well planned by them."

  Luna: "Winter seemed wants to strangle Louie any moment now. I don't want my son to be like him."

  Francois: "Don't worry my Queen, our son knows what to do, and Pearl is there so you don't have to worry. Although the three right-hand guys really want to skim him alive since the day they met him, they still need to stay neutral on this matter."