Chapter 343 That Should Be Me (3)

If you never take a risk, you will never know what changes you need to make. Paulo Coelho

Louie, Ethan, and Kim were all surprised upon hearing Dimitri's words. It only means that they are okay with his idea. Francois and Dimitri saw the sparkle in Louie's aura after hearing their decisions. 

"Let's pack up now and be ready for tonight's event. And Kim Tang, Pearl will be your date for tonight, and don't worry it is already settled by the twins' and the right-hand guys" Prince Alexei informs Kim. "What!!! OMG!

No offense to everyone, especially to you, Viscount Francois, the twins are very adorable and intelligent, but I am totally scared of my wits with those two little buns. I always feel that they are up to something. They are cute but still, their eyes seemed to speak of unknown languages" Kim retorted.