Chapter 345 That Should Be Me (5)

Love doesn't end, may have ups and downs, but nothing or no one will destroy it if it's love. - Vítor Hugo Mota

As time went on, the moment of the Celebration finally began, the sounds of music from the orchestra were finally heard. Louie wears a three-piece black suit, Ethan wears a three-piece gray suit and Kim wears an exemplary three-piece suit, but his coat was colored black with the white emblem of the HADES.

Louie furrows his brows upon seeing the coat with an emblem, for them, it only signifies the welcoming of the HADES or Luna's family to a new member; by marriage or utilizing any relationship just like Harry, Yuan, and the Saunders twins.

"I think you will also be a part of the HADES family before the night ends Kim, maybe Pearl will give you a chance," says Ethan in a very sad and envious tone, both Louie and Kim knew his feelings towards Princess Rosela from the moment he laid his eyes on her at City A.