Chapter 349 When I Met You

When I told you that I would love you forever, I've never meant anything more. You've come to mean everything to me,  Adding joy to my smile and love to my heart. ---- Ravenwolf

City Wise; Palace

As the music ended, Luna and Louie also stop swaying. "I will escort you back Luna, I will escort you back to your King," Louie tells her. Luna smiled, for Louie, it was the most genuine smile he had ever received from her, the smile that he was longing to see for almost five years. Louie immediately brought Luna back to Francois's side as the Knights and her brothers are waiting, "Thank you very much, Viscount Francois, Duke Dimitri. I will be in debt to your kindness for a lifetime" Louie uttered. 

Francois and Dimitri nod their head, but still, the glare to Alexei, Marco, and Xavier didn't fail for Louie to see. "Don't scare him, boys, he will still sing with my husband" Amber scolded the three Knights that brought Luna to laugh.