Chapter 365 I will protect you from all harm (2)

Sometimes you will have to make a decision that will hurt your heart but heal your soul. ---- Unknown

It's normal to sometimes feel sad after making the right decision. Let your values and the person you wish to become be your North Star, instead of making decisions to avoid uncomfortable feelings.

After divorcing Luna, life is very difficult for Louie during those times, and those times he feels incredibly challenging, especially that he can't feel anything for Sofia beyond sexual pleasure and being proud of having an actress as a wife. It is different when he was still married to Luna and it's easy letting everything that happens externally, greatly influences him internally. For Louie, it is not easy to get mired down in negativity and fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially now that his newly built relationship with his children seems to get into an endless tunnel that he himself will not see a positive one.