Chapter 384 Elder Chen’s meets the Moon (2)

The broken ones will always be able to love harder than most. Once you've been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines. ---- Unknown

"We are good Luna, we just arrive here the day before New Year's Day. We want to visit our grandson that we didn't see for almost five years. Actually, we didn't visit him when we got the news about him divorcing you and we didn't approve of that act he did to you. What about you Moon, how are you? We all thought that you died from the freak gang war at the train station. We want to mourn your death and offer prayers to your tomb but Atty.

Samantha Wu didn't allow any people coming from the families of Su and Chen to be there. The Wu family hides everything from us, and they also cut their ties in both family and business after your death" Rafael responded.