
In the middle of the night, a 15-16-year-old fat boy is lying on the ground with blood all over his body suddenly opens his eyes and feels excruciating pain from his body and mumbles "Did I manage to survive the Divine Retribution for forcefully entering Heavenly Realm and killing a Low-level God" and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his head huge amount of unfamiliar memories and fragmented information that had flooded his brain in an instant.

Helpless, Jon had to use his last bit of spiritual energy and pushed himself to use the divine sense to look into his own body. His body's terrible condition left him speechless.

Apart from the fact that this severely obese body did not belong to him, the key point was the body's organs were all out of place and there was internal hemorrhaging everywhere. His shoulder, thighs, and even several ribs in his chest were fractured. Quite a few joints were completely crushed to powder.

"Oh Heaven, you want to see me dead, don't you?!" Jon cursed in his heart, but he still had to face reality.

Jon also noticed his soul was also damaged by Divine Retribution only a little bit of left and it is slowly being destroyed by the remaining energy of Divine Retribution now he has two ways cut the part of soul with remaining energy or restart soul cultivation.

He checked this body also had no cultivation so he decided to restart soul cultivation. As soon as he restarted the soul cultivation something unexpected happened when a person restart cultivation all energy in body will be removed but instead of removing the Divine energy started to mix with his soul as it returns to mortal state which scared him now he knows why no one was ever able to escape from Divine Retribution as he completely let go waiting to be turned into nothingness he felt his becoming stronger instead of being destroyed and looked energy was helping nourish his soul instead of destroying made him feel luck must be on his side soon process finished and his soul became purple instead of white confused him what kind of soul colour his this he has only heard of white which is most common colour and most people have this colour of soul. Other colours are silver and gold. The more pure colour is the more stronger the soul is but he has never seen or heard of purple soul thought this must be because of the Divine energy. He felt his soul is more stronger than purest gold he saw in previous life. He was very envious of them because he had white colour soul in his previous life but now he has even stronger than them also saw spiritual energy still there although it was only 100th of original but it was still very powerful at stage he was at

He was only left with the spiritual energy, which had protected whatever little was left of his primordial spirit from that horrible tragedy, to use.

He tried to use his ability to absorb the spiritual energy of everything between Heaven and Earth countless times. However, he found out that that area had too little spiritual energy. It was too little for him to absorb anything.

Everything else was not important. The key priority then was to fix this banged-up body or else he would not even be able to move.

He tried his best to cast a low-level healing spell. With spiritual energy coursing through the meridians in his body slowly, Jon's damaged organs miraculously returned to their original positions. The internal hemorrhaging stopped and even the broken bones started to fuse back together. The strong throbbing pain decreased slowly until it was completely gone.

"Eh, this guy's Yang Meridian was heavily destroyed not long after birth! What a huge grudge! This Boy must have offended a god in his past life. Fortunately, apart from being a genius at self-cultivating, I'm also an expert at traditional medicine and healing. If not, he wouldn't even be able to live past 20 years old, let alone train and climb the road to immortality"

Easy to say, but when it came to actual healing, Jon was as careful as possible. Ultimately, this was related to whether he could practice in the future. Of course, he had to be cautious.

Following non-stop treatment, Jon could slowly start to move. He used his hands as support on the ground to sit upright, and opened his blood-filled eyes at the same time!

"B*stard! I…@#$%…" When he saw everything before his eyes clearly, Jon was no longer able to maintain his strong mantra. He had completely forgone the style of an expert and started cursing.

He scolded madly for a long time. It all boiled down to one simple fact – This was not the Great World of Cultivation that he knew!

After he was done scolding, Jon still had to face reality – By reviving the extremely damaged body and healing the Yang Meridian to close to 70%, which was required for his practice, he depleted his very last bit of spiritual energy!

It's impossible to fix a hidden illness that has been there for more than ten years with so little energy. If only I had a little more spiritual energy!

Jon furrowed his brows and let out a sigh.

The injuries that this body sustained were too severe. Even though the spiritual energy from his Sage Emperor Stage was more than useful, Jon had utilised most of it to heal the serious injuries on the body. Thus, he could only heal Yang Meridian to about 70% of a normal person's capacity.

However, Jon did not worry at all. With his superb medical skills and with sufficient time, he was able to revert the meridian to its original state before it got damaged.

The complete recovery of the body and the slow disappearance of the pain allowed him to analyse and sort out the huge amount of fragmented memories that had flooded his brain previously.

The information in his memories was incomplete and choppy, but it was enough to allow Jon to understand some basic knowledge of this world and his current situation.

Jon searches his memory of the body previous owner and tries to remember what happened and memory in his brain, With a loud bang, Jon, who was absolutely petrified, was thrown up into the air from his bicycle. He was hit by a truck that suddenly came out of a junction. His body resembled a bow as he flew across the dim night sky in a long and poignant curve. It was closely followed by a bang. His oversized body crashed heavily onto the gravel road more than 20 meters away.

He could not even let out a miserable cry before the truck hit him again. It sent him flying across the road and he fell to the ground, motionless. Blood continuously poured out of all his orifices, it was most likely that he was not going to survive.

The weird thing was that the driver knew that he had hit someone but he did not stop the truck. The truck kept its speed, ran over the already-destroyed bicycle, and zoomed away, with no trace left behind.
