Chen Family

After 2 hours of the accident...

Around 20 figures in black suits could be seen entering the hospital in front of them were 7 figures 2 men in business suits walking side by side behind them 2 beautiful women and with them 2 boy's first in his 20's and other around 16-17 years old and in middle of both a girl around 13-14 years old. When they came walking inside Jack who was waiting for them had already guessed that they were the member of Chen Family and approached them to ask if they really were members of Chen Family

The man in the middle nodded and said: "Hello, I am head of Chen Family 'Chen Kun'(1)" and introduced his wife, brother, brother's wife, and their children. Jack also greeted them and took them to the old man's room who had still yet to regain his senses. When Chen Kun entered first thing he and his brother noticed was 2 different types of energy in their father's body and rest ignored and rushed near the old man's bed after a few mins. later Chen Kun asked Jack if his father was attacked by someone this attracted everyone attention and they looked towards Jack but Jack told them that he had gotten in an accident Chen Kun and his brother was not convinced by the answer and told asked about how there were 2 different energy in his father body hearing his words Jack also frowned and said: "I also noticed and thought that Mr. Chen possessed two different energy but I don't know the whole details of the accident but one of our officers was present nearby at the time of the accident, I will call her here and ask for all the details" and exited the room and asked Jully to come in who was waiting outside the room. Jully came in and told them the details of the accident both Chen brothers and Jack were surprised to the point that they were terrified that a high school boy saved the old man and looked towards Jully with questioning gaze if she was telling the truth judging by the level of energy left in the body in his father body which was many levels powerful than him. He a peak stage level 1 grandmaster and a highschool student was stronger than him based on the energy level that person should be at least the level 4 of martial grandmaster power Jully noticed their gaze and got a little angry but didn't show it said: "Dr. Davis was also present at that time you can ask him" then they called Dr. Davis when Jully heard them calling the doctor little bit of anger showed on her face and humped a little they also noticed but didn't say anything they really didn't believe that a high school boy at the level of grandmaster even in the top cities there are only a few high school students reaching the stage of grandmaster and they had very powerful family or sect backing them how can there be a high school student at grandmaster level in this city and all those students were well known in top 3 cities so how can there be a grandmaster level student in Mat City and they don't know about unless he is hiding his identity or is a member of a hidden family or sect, or maybe disciple of some old monster who live in seclusion.

When Dr. Davis came he also told them the same thing Jully who was standing in corner humped again when they heard it they were a little embarrassed and Dr. Davis was confused when he saw their reaction Jully exited the room saying that boy also took the old man's bracelet as his payment.

When Chen Kun and his brother heard her words they rushed behind only Jack and Dr. Davis surprised to see their action as for others they knew the importance of that bracelet.

Outside the room, Jully was surprised to suddenly the see the Chen brothers they didn't care for her surprise and asked in unison: "do you who that high school student was that bracelet is very important for them" Jully said: "I also told him that it may be important of the old man but he didn't listen and said that it was his fees for saving the old man" hearing her words they frowned that bracelet was passed down to the head of the family when officially becomes the head and the moment Chen Kun was only nominated for next head of the family he still needed his father permission for major matters until he becomes the head of the family officially.

They asked again: "do you know where he lives" and looked towards Jully with a serious expression Jully understood that bracelet is very important for them and said: "I don't know where he lives but he told me his name and high school and said if this bracelet is very important for them then they can come and pay an amount equal to old man's life and take their bracelet" when they heard her first words were sand next word caused them to be happy but later part they were stupefied their father was still head of the family and strongest person in their family his life worth was more than half of their family total wealth but they were still happy that at least other party was willing to give them back their bracelet if what they heard is true than they can't afford to offend him even if he refused to give the bracelet back and would have considered it bad luck. He himself was powerful to challenge their whole family now that their father was injured no one would be able to fight him even government won't offend a grandmaster for their family.

They asked Jully about the name of high school and that boy and called their head of security Thomas to go to Santon High School look for a student named Jon and be very polite and try not to make him angry. When Thomas heard his boss word was very surprised and confused why would his boos ask him to be polite to a high school student he was a powerhouse of peak stage level 7 martial master just step away for grandmaster and based on his power level he should only be afraid of powerhouse above grandmaster's level so why would his boos who is a grandmaster powerhouse ask him to be polite to a highschool student in the martial world they only need to bow to the person who is stronger than them and the geniuses who are bound to surpass them in a short period of time because these kind of existance are bound to touch the sky higher than them and if they made an enemy out of this kind of person and he survives they are bound to be destroyed and no one wants that noticing his gaze and he said: "He's a person we can't afford to offend even father would be polite towards him" these words made Thomas eyes wide open that the old master would also be polite towards him and starting to guess what kind of existence is this highschooler is he also one of those monstrous geniuses.


Hello, Readers sorry for the delay in the chapter, and Sorry I can't release chapters daily but I will try my best to release a chapter in a day gap.

I'm a student so I also need to focus on my studies