Chen Ren

Four cars stopped in front of Lausanne University Hospital and Jon stepped out of the car and Thomas led him towards the VIP treatment room. Soon they reached in front of the VIP treatment room. Thomas saw everyone except Chen Kun were standing outside of the room and it looked like something happened to the old master while he was gone while Thomas was looking at the situation Chen Kun's brother saw their family's bracelet in Jon's hand he was already upset as some problem occurred while operation and now some outsider was wearing their family head's bracelet and other person looked like a normal high school student on that moment a single thought came in his mind 'how dare he' and rushed towards Jon with all force suddenly a level 2 grandmaster pressure exploded in the VIP treatment room corridor before Thomas could react he was already in front of Jon and suddenly a large explosion happened all member of Chen family thought the boy was dead and Thomas was opposite he had felt pressure coming from Jon it was way above his second master and praying that his second his still alive difference between a single level of grandmaster is very great and Jon was more than 1 level above his second master and after exploded energy cleared out Chen family members jaw dropped from what they saw next that high school student was still standing on same spot and strongest member after their clan head was lying on ground with pale face and there was a foot of highschooler on his chest suddenly a chill went down their spine what kind of person was this highschooler. Thomas rushed towards Jon's leg and begged Jon who increasing pressure on the chest little by little with a smile on his face which made him look like a demon everyone who saw his smile felt a chill which made their heart feel like it been put in the freezer.

Inside the VIP treatment room, Chen Kun suddenly felt his brother energy and rushed outside but after few second it stopped when he reached near door heard Thomas words begging for his brother's and opened the door and what he saw made him realize why his brother's energy lasted only few second because he was defeated in few seconds his brother's strength was higher than him but due to his hot-headedness he was not made next leader and other reason was he wasn't interested in clan leader's position otherwise he could have challenged him for the position.

When everyone saw Chen Kun stepping out of the room they signed a relief that he will be able to calm the situation down. Jon saw him but didn't stop kept increasing pressure on the chest little by little and suddenly a sound of bone creaking heard followed by another. The corridor was very quiet and everyone could hear the bone creaking sound when Chen Kun heard it rushed in front of Jon and said: "Sir could you please forgive my brother I will apologize in his place" and bowed when he saw other party didn't stop he dropped on his knees and said: "Sir I will pay any prize for my brother" when everyone else saw this they also followed his suit and bowed but were shocked when they saw Chen Kun dropped on his knees and as they were also about to be dropped on their knees

Jon removed the pressure but didn't move his leg and said with serious face: "if you become my slave I will spare your brother's life." His words made everyone dumb fold and looked towards his face. Chen Kun who was looking towards his face turned stiff after hearing words then looked towards his brother whose face was paled. When his brother saw his gaze realized his brother was going to surrender and said: "brother No, Basterd kill me" when Jon heard his word placed pressure on his chest 3 continuous bone creaking sound could be heard tears fell from the little girl and 2 middle-aged women's eyes. When Chen Kun bone creaking sound he spoke without thinking: "ok"

when his brother who was gritting his teeth from the pain spoke: "brother don't you are the future leader of the clan only you are capable of leading the clan so don't I'm just a hot-headed person you can't sacrifice the whole clan for just for me" before he could say anything else, Chen Kun spoke angrily: "Chen Ren shut up you are more powerful than me according to power you should be sitting on clan leader's seat. So take care of clan after I'm gone don't be a hot-headed and stubborn person, Sir I'll become your slave if you let my brother go" when Chen Ren heard his words tears came out of his eyes and for first time in his life he regretted his hot-headedness made such huge disaster fell on his brother earlier if he fell in trouble because of his hot-headedness he never regretted cause only he had to face the consequences for his mistake but now his brother has to pay the price and looked towards Jon and said: "Sir please don't punish my brother for my fault I was the one who attacked you if you want a slave I will become your slave but please let my brother go he is future clan leader of our clan"

Jon looked towards Chen Ren smiled and said: "there are two things I would like to ask you if you answer truthfully I may not make your brother my slave" when everyone including Chen Ren felt a hope although it was very little he had to try and said: "ok I'll answer your question truthfully but you must let my brother go" hearing his words, Jon chuckled and said: "you have no right to make conditions" his words made Chen Ren realize position he was in and said: " ok ask anything If I know about it I'll answer truthfully"

Jon moved his leg from his chest and asked: "why did you attack me the moment you saw me we no past grievances hell we never even met before today" this question made everyone curious why would he suddenly attack Jon when Chen Ren heard this his face turned red from embracement and realized what Jon said was true they neither had past grievances nor they had met each other before today and looked towards Thomas and said: "Thomas you must not have eaten anything so why don't you go and have breakfast" Thomas realized meaning behind his word and stood up and left his words made Chen family member even more curious even Chen Kun was curious why would his brother attack someone who he has never met before although his brother was hot-headed but he wasn't unreasonable to attack anyone without any reason