A week of torture

Chen Kun nodded and said while pointing towards Jon: "Uncle Ron this is Mr. Jon he is the one who saved father" when Ron looked towards he was very surprised and checked there was no energy coming from Jon and thought did Kun get swindled by this high schooler how can he save him energy in Bilong's body was of a level 5 grandmaster and looked towards Chen Kun with questioning gaze.

Chen Kun understood the meaning of his gaze and said: "don't worry uncle I also was confused how can a high schooler with no energy save my father but why do ask Ren how did it feel to lose to a high schooler" and chuckled while looking towards Chen Ren. When Chen Ren heard his brother's word he showed a embarrassed smile and looked downwards not meeting eyes of his brother.

Everyone who knew Ren laughed when they saw his expression because except in front his father he always had a prideful expression on his face in front of outsider but now he was acting like a shy girl which made this scene very funny even Ron chuckled he knew about Ren's nature and had seen Ren embarrassed only few time in his lifetime, suddenly his smile froze when he saw a different energy fluctuating in Ren's body which was very similar to Bilong's energy said in serious tone: "Ren come here"

When everyone heard Ron's serious tone and looked at his serious expression every one turned silent every one knew that Uncle Ron rarely showed serious expression and there is always smile on his face his serious expression startled Ren and he moved towards Ron and asked: "What happened uncle" although he was injured but with Jack's high-level healing pill had almost healed him only a few minor injuries were left which didn't much attention

Ron touched Ren's forehead and said: "as I suspected there is another energy in your head which is very similar to your father and this time it's stopping some function from working properly" when everyone heard his words they looked towards Jon and remembered the moment when his finger on Ren's forehead now understood what he did.

When Jon saw everyone looking towards him he said with an evil smile on his face: "it's his punishment" when everyone saw his evil smile they got goosebumps even Ron and Ren was scared shitless when he saw Jon's smile

Ron touched Ren's forehead and to take out energy from Ren's body and failed and took out a box from his pocket and opened it there were needles in it and took out two from the box and when his needles touched Ren's forehead he suddenly felt a jolt both needles fell from his hand and Ren felt a little headache.

Jon saw this and said: "if you try to take out energy forcefully it will permanently disable him and the person who tried to take out energy his hands will be disabled for 2 days" hearing Jon's word everyone was scared even who will try to save his will be affected what kind of logic is this is this happens no one will try to save him. Ren hurriedly said to Jon: "please Mr. Jon kill me or make me your slave but don't make me a disable I would rather choose one these of option than to be a disable completely dependable on others for everything and become a burden for everyone

When Jon heard his words smiled and said: "it will not make you completely disable only a single part of your body and it's not permanent only for this week." When Ren heard Jon's words he signed relief and asked with a curious expression on his face: "which part" Ren's words made Jon's smile even wider and said: "are you sure you want to know it will make you relentless you will know tonight and won't be able to sleep for a week your body will have urges of the night game and your player will be too lazy to play"

Jon's smile and words made everyone gulp down saliva in fear at the moment he looked like a devil from hell